- Elin Wägner
Born in
Lund ,Sweden as the daughter of a school principal. Wägner's mother died when Wägner was 3 years old. Wägner's books and articles focus on the subjects of women's emancipation, citizen rights, votes for women, peace matters, social welfare and environmental pollution.Most famous for her commitment to Votes for Women movement in Sweden, for founding the Swedish organization
Rädda Barnen (The Swedish Section of the "International Save the Children Alliance ") and for developing the women's citizen school at Fogelstad (where Wägner also was a teacher on citizen rights).Alongside
Fredrika Bremer Wägner is often seen as the most important and influential feminist pioneer in Sweden.A prolific writer, Wägner wrote novels, articles in various daily newspapers and screenplays for a number of films. Among Wägner's most popular novels — which continue to be read — are: "Norrtullsligan" ("Men and Other Misfortunes", 1908), "Pennskaftet" ("The Penholder", 1910), "Åsa-Hanna" (1918), "Kvarteret Oron" ("Stormy Corner", 1919), "Silverforsen" ("The Silver Rapids", 1924), "Vändkorset" ("The Turnstile", 1934), "Väckarklocka" ("Alarm Clock", 1941) and "Vinden vände bladen" ("The Wind Turned The Pages", 1947).
Wägner has recently been translated into English with the book titled "Stockholm Stories" (2002) that contains two of her most witty novels: "Men and Other Misfortunes" and "Stormy Corner". Many of her books have before that already been translated into French, German, Dutch and Russian.
*"Från det jordiska museet" (1907)
*"Norrtullsligan" (1908) - "Men and Other Misfortunes"
*"Pennskaftet" (1910) - "The Penholder"
*"Helga Wisbeck" (1913)
*"Mannen och körsbären" (1914) - "The Man and the Cherries"
*"Camillas äktenskap" (1915) - "Camilla's Marriage"
*"Släkten Jerneploogs framgång" (1916)
*"Åsa-Hanna" (1918)
*"Kvarteret Oron" (1919) - "Stormy Corner"
*"Den befriade kärleken" (1919) - "The Liberated Love"
*"Den förödda vingården" (1920)
*"Nyckelknippan" (1921) - "The Bunch of Keys"
*"Den namnlösa" (1922) - "The Nameless"
*"Från Seine, Rhen och Ruhr" (1923)
*"Silverforsen" (1924) - "The Silver Rapids"
*"Natten till söndag" (1926)
*"De fem pärlorna" (1927)
*"Den odödliga gärningen" (1928)
*"Svalorna flyga högt" (1929)
*"Korpungen och jag" (1930)
*"Gammalrödja" (1931)
*"Dialogen fortsätter" (1932) - "The Dialogue Continues"
*"Mannen vid min sida" (1933) - "The Man by my Side"
*"Vändkorset" (1934) - "The Turnstile"
*"Genomskådad" (1937) - "Unmasked"
*"Hemlighetsfull" (1938) - "Mysterious"
*"Tusen år i Småland" (1939) - "Thousand Years in Småland"
*"Fred med jorden" (1940) - "At Peace with Earth"
*"Väckarklocka" (1941) - "Alarm Clock"
*"Selma Lagerlöf I" (1942)
*"Selma Lagerlöf II" (1943)
*"Hans Larsson" (1944)
*"Vinden vände bladen" (1947) - "The Wind Turned The Pages"
*"Spinnerskan" (1948)
*"Fredrika Bremer" (1949)External links
* [http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-Wagner-E.html Elin Wägner at HighBeam Encyclopedia]
* [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/cjgs/2004/00000013/00000001/art00004 Elin Wägner at IgentaConnect]
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