

:"See also Bayer and buyer."

Beyer is mostly a German family name. Most inventions and institutions listed here with the name Beyer were named after an inventor or founder or supporter with the name Beyer.

People named Beyer

* Absalon Pederssøn Beyer, Norwegian clergyman
* Adam Beyer, Swedish techno producer and DJ
* Albert Beyer was a United States Navy coxswain.
* Alexander Beyer, German actor
* Andrew Beyer, American expert on horse race betting who designed the Beyer Speed Figure
* Barbara Petzold-Beyer, former East German cross-country skier
* Bero Beyer, Dutch film producer.
* Beyers Naudé, an Afrikaner-South African cleric, theologian and anti-apartheid activist
* Brad Beyer is an American actor.
* Brett Beyer, international sailing coach
* Charles Beyer, British locomotive engineer
* Clara Beyers, actress
* Colin Beyer, lawyer and businessman
* Dick Beyer, retired professional wrestler best known as The Destroyer or Doctor X
* Don Beyer, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia from 1990-1998
* Ed Beyer, Film Editor, N.Y.C., NY
* Eugen Beyer, 19th-century German army officer
* Frank Beyer, German film director
* Franz Beyer, German musicologist
* Georgina Beyer, the world's first openly transsexual Member of Parliament
* H. Otley Beyer, American anthropologist
* John Beyer, director of mediawatch-uk
* Lieutenant-General Leonard Beyers(1894-1959) was a South African military commander.
* Lisa Beyer is a United States journalist.
* Mark Beyer, a comic artist
* Markus Beyer, German boxer
* Mickey Beyer Clausen, Danish entrepreneur and philanthropist
* Olaf Beyer, Olympic champion
* Oliver Beyer,1973-present, Sergeant, decorated marksman & sniper of Kosovo conflict. (Nationality unconfirmed due to voluntary service)
* Robert D. Beyer, Prominent criminal defense attorney
* Tanya Beyer, American model and actress
* Troy Beyer, American film director and screenwriter and actress
* Udo Beyer, former German track and field athlete who represented East Germany in the shot put
* Uwe Beyer, Olympic contestant
* Leo A. Beyer,retired Des Plaines,Illinois Police Officer

Companies and institutions named with Beyer

* beyerdynamic GmbH & Co. KG, German audio equipment manufacturer.
* The Beyer method for quinolines is an organic chemical reaction.
* Beyer-Garratt is a type of steam locomotive that is articulated in three parts.
* Beyer-Peacock was an engineering firm.
* The Beyer Speed Figure is a system for rating the performance of Thoroughbred racehorses.
* The Beyer Stadium was in Illinois and was demolished in the early 1990s
* The Fred C. Beyer High School is in the Modesto City Schools District of Modesto, California.


* The Beyer Chair of Applied Mathematics, an endowed professorial position at the University of Manchester

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  • Beyer — [ˈbai̯ɐ] ist ein deutscher Familienname. Herkunft und Bedeutung Die einfachste Erklärung für den Namen Beyer in allen Varianten (auch Bayer, Beier, Bojer) ist der Bezug des Namens auf den Volksstamm der Bayern oder der Bajuwaren. Bezeichnet also… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Beyer — Beyer,   1) August von, Baumeister, * Künzelsau 30. 4. 1834, ✝ Ulm 18. 4. 1899; war in Ulm (1880 90) und anschließend in Bern Baumeister und leitete am Münster beider Städte den Ausbau des Hauptturms (1890 beziehungsweise 1893 vollendet).    2)… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Beyer — Beyer, 1) Joh. Hartmann, Arzt in Frankfurt a. M., st. dort 1625; Erfinder der sonst berühmten Frankfurter Pillen (Pilulae angelicae, aus Aloe, Rhabarber, Agaricus u. Pflanzenextract) u. Herausgeber der Werke H. Capivaccios, Frkf. 1603, Fol. 2)… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Beyer [2] — Beyer, 1) Gustav Friedrich von, preuß. General, geb. 26. Febr. 1812 in Berlin, gest. 7. De;. 1889 in Leipzig, trat 1829 in das preußische Heer und erhielt beim Ausbruch des Krieges von 1866 als Generalmajor das Kommando einer aus den Garnisonen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Beyer — Beyer, Bayerberg, Basaltkuppe der nördl. Vorderrhön, 706 m hoch (Sachsen Weimar) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Beyer [2] — Beyer, August, Architekt, geb. 30. April 1834 zu Künzelsau, gest. 18. April 1899 in Ulm, seit 1880 Baumeister am Ulmer Münster; Ausbau des dortigen Hauptturms (1890) und des Berner Münsters (1893) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Beyer [3] — Beyer, Gust. Friedr. von, preuß. General, geb. 26. Febr. 1812 zu Berlin, 1866 bei der Mainarmee Divisionär unter Vogel von Falckenstein, 1867 Militärbevollmächtigter in Karlsruhe, Febr. 1868 bad. Kriegsminister, im Deutsch Franz. Kriege… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Beyer [4] — Beyer, Konrad, Schriftsteller, geb. 13. Juli 1834 in Pommersfelden, lebt in Wiesbaden; schrieb Dramen, Romane, Biographien, »Deutsche Poetik« (3. Aufl. 1899), bes. Arbeiten über Friedr. Rückert …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • beyer — of both: see bo …   Useful english dictionary

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