- Francesco Cesareo
Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D. is an American
educator andhistorian . In February 2007, he was selected to become the 16thpresident ofAssumption College , and assumed the presidency onJuly 1 ,2007 . Prior to his selection, Dr. Cesareo served as dean of the McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts atDuquesne University inPittsburgh, Pennsylvania . Prior to this, he served a position as professor atJohn Carroll University inCleveland, Ohio .Career
Dr. Cesareo, a
historian who specializes in theRenaissance andReformation periods, has published widely on theCatholic Reformation , the history of 15th and 16th century Rome and on the Renaissance papacy. His work has also focused on Renaissance education, church history andRoman Catholic higher education. He has also been a frequent commentator for local and national media on issues regarding Catholic higher education and the Catholic Church in general.Prior to his 2004 appointment at
Duquesne University , Dr. Cesareo was a member of the history department atJohn Carroll University from 1989 to 2004. In 1997 he was appointed the founding director of the Institute of Catholic Studies, a position he held until 2004. He also was the holder of the John J. and Mary Jane Breen Chair in Catholic Studies. As director of the Institute he successfully raised an endowment of $4.8 million for the work of the Institute.In addition to being a dedicated teacher, nominated three times for the Distinguished Faculty Award at
John Carroll University , and an accomplished scholar of the Catholic intellectual tradition, Dr. Cesareo has served on many boards and received numerous fellowships. He is the author of two books, including his most recent book, "A Shepherd in Their Midst: The Episcopacy ofGirolamo Seripando : 1554–1563," and of numerous articles and book reviews. He has also served as aFulbright Scholar at both the University of Rome and thePontifical Gregorian University inItaly , and completed a year-long Faculty Fellowship for Academic Leadership supported by the Mandel Foundation.Additionally, Dr. Cesareo has served as the managing editor of Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, an international scholarly journal published semi-annually by the
Jesuit Historical Institute in Rome and the Institute of Catholic Studies atJohn Carroll University , and completed administrative development programs atHarvard University andBoston College .Election to college presidency
Dr. Cesareo was among 55 applicants for the presidency. The presidential search process began last September when Dr.
Thomas R. Plough , the college’s 15th president, announced that he would retire at the end of the 2006-2007 academic year after nine years in the position.Educational and personal background
Dr. Cesareo graduated
summa cum laude from Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception inDouglaston, New York , and earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in LateMedieval /Early ModernEurope an history fromFordham University .He and his wife, Filomena, are the parents of three young children.
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