File 770

File 770

"File 770" is a science fiction fanzine published by Mike Glyer and named for the party in Room 770 at the 1951 Worldcon science fiction convention which reportedly upstaged the convention. [ "Time has transformed the room 770 party into an iconic fannish emblem, but the truth is it did have a pervasive impact on fandom right from the beginning, it was an instant legend in the making. As Harry Warner Jr. put it, room 770 was ' unforgettable demonstration of the gradually developing fact that people really went to worldcons to have a good time, not to listen to lectures or debate business. Room 770 played a part in the philosophy and orientation of a substantial part of fandom for years thereafter.' So much so that Mike Glyer chose it as the title for his newszine, presumably because it strikes the right note of fannish fun." (Harry Warner Jr)] It has won the Hugo Award for Best Fanzine six times, in 1984, 1985, 1989, 2000, 2001, and 2008.

"File 770" remains a paper fanzine, appearing several times each year, though much of the content is available via eFanzines.

Glyer started it in 1978 to report on clubs, conventions, fannish projects, fans, fanzines and sf awards, and to publish controversial articles. [ "Is Your Club Dead Yet?" ("File 770 #127", November 1998)]


External links

[ "File 770" at eFanzines]

[ "File 770" official site]

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  • Mike Glyer — is both the editor and publisher of the long running science fiction fan newszine File 770. He holds the record for being nominated the most times (45) for the Hugo Award; he has won 9 times in two categories:[1][2] File 770 won the Best Fanzine… …   Wikipedia

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