Cebu Warty Pig

Cebu Warty Pig

name = "Sus cebifrons cebifrons"

status = EX
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Holotheria
ordo = Ungulata
familia = Suidae
genus = "Sus"
species = "S. cebifrons"
subspecies = "S. c. cebifrons"
trinomial = "Sus cebifrons cebifrons"

The Cebu Warty Pig ("Sus cebifrons cebifrons") previously lived in Cebu, Philippines before becoming extinct in modern times, primarily due to habitat destruction. This pig was assessed to be extinct in 2000.

The main species, "Sus cebifrons", the Visayan Warty Pig, still found in the Philippines, is itself facing extinction.

External links

* [ IUCN Red List]

* [ Zipcode Zoo: Sus cebifrons cebifrons (Cebu Warty Pig)]

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