- Thiocyanate
Thiocyanate (also known as sulphocyanate or thiocyanide or rhodanide) is the anion, [SCN] −. Common compounds include the colourless salts
potassium thiocyanate andsodium thiocyanate .Organic compound s containing thefunctional group SCN are also called thiocyanates.Mercury(II) thiocyanate was formerly used in pyrotechnics.Thiocyanate is analogous to the
cyanate ion, [OCN] −, where inoxygen is replaced bysulfur . [SCN] − is one of the pseudohalides, due to the similarity of its reactions to that ofhalide ions. Thiocyanate was formerly known as rhodanide (from a Greek word forrose ) because of the red colour of its complexes withiron . Thiocyanate is produced by the reaction of elemental sulfur orthiosulfate withcyanide :: 8 CN− + S8 → 8 SCN−: CN− + S2O32− → SCN− + SO32−The latter reaction is catalyzed by the enzymesulfotransferase known asrhodanase and may be relevant to detoxification of cyanide in the body.tructure, bonding and coordination chemistry
Thiocyanate shares its negative charge approximately equally between sulfur and nitrogen. Consequently, thiocyanate can act as a
nucleophile at either sulfur or nitrogen — it is an ambidentate ligand. [SCN] − can also bridge two (M−SCN−M) or even three metals (>SCN− or −SCN<). Experimental evidence leads to the general conclusion that class a metals (hard acids) tend to form "N"-bonded thiocyanate complexes, whereas class b metals (soft acids) tend to form "S"-bonded thiocyanate complexes. Other factors, e.g. kinetics and solubility, are sometimes involved, and linkage isomerism can occur, for example [Co(NH3)5(NCS)] Cl2 and [Co(NH3)5(SCN)] Cl2Greenwood&Earnshaw p. 326] .Organic thiocyanates
Organic and transition metal derivatives of the thiocyanate ion can exist as "
linkage isomer s." In thiocyanates, the organic group or metal is attached to sulfur: R−S−C≡N has a S-C single bond and a C-N triple bond [Guy, R. G. "Syntheses and Preparative Applications of Thiocyanates" in "Chemistry of Cyanates and Their Derivatives," vol II. Patai, S., (Editor), John Wiley, 1977. New York] . Inisothiocyanate s, the substituent is attached to nitrogen: R−N=C=S has a S-C double bond and a C-N double bondOrganic thiocyanates are hydrolyzed tothiocarbamate s in theRiemschneider thiocarbamate synthesis .Test for iron(III)
If [SCN] − is added to a solution containing iron(III) ions (Fe3+), a blood red solution is formed due to the presence of the [Fe(NCS)(H2O)5] 2+.
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