- Hichiriki
Infobox Instrument
classification=Double reed
*Duduk The nihongo|hichiriki| is adouble reed Japanesefue used as one of two main melodic instruments in Japanesegagaku music, the other being theryuteki . The hichiriki is difficult to play, due in part to itsdouble reed configuration. Although a double reed instrument like theoboe , the "hichiriki" has a cylindrical bore and thus its sound is similar to that of a clarinet. Pitch and ornamentation (most notably bending tones) is controlled largely with the embouchure. The hichiriki is one of the "sacred" instruments and is often heard being played atShinto weddings in Japan. It produces a sound that many describe as "haunting."The "hichiriki" is the most widely used of all instruments in Gagaku and it is used in all forms of music aside from poetry recitation.
The "hichiriki" is derived from the Chinese "guan" or "bili", and is also related to the Korean "
piri ".Notable non-Japanese musicians who have learned to play the "hichiriki" include
Alan Hovhaness ,Joseph Celli , and Ralph Jones.External links
* [http://jtrad.columbia.jp/eng/i_hichiriki.html - Traditional Japanese Music]
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