acid fuchsin — also acid fuchsine n an acid dye used chiefly in histology as a general cytoplasmic stain and for demonstration of special elements (as mitochondria) called also acid magenta * * * a mixture of sulfonated fuchsins used in Andrade indicator and in … Medical dictionary
acid fuchsin stain — a diffuse stain containing acid fuchsin and diluted hydrochloric acid in purified water, for demonstrating axons and as a component of connective tissue stains … Medical dictionary
acid magenta — n ACID FUCHSIN * * * acid fuchsin … Medical dictionary
fuchsin — A nonspecific term referring to any of several red rosanilin dyes used as stains in histology and bacteriology. [Leonhard Fuchs, German botantist, 1501–1506] acid f. [C.I. 42685] a mixture of the sodium salts bi and trisulfonic acids of rosanilin … Medical dictionary
fuchsin — magenta; n. any one of a group of reddish to purplish dyes used in staining bacteria for microscopic observation and capable of killing various disease causing microorganisms. Acid fuchsin (acid magenta) is a mixture of sulphonated fuchsins;… … The new mediacal dictionary
Mallory acid fuchsin orange G and aniline blue stain — a stain for demonstrating connective tissue and secretion granules. Called also Mallory triple s … Medical dictionary
acid-fast — Denoting bacteria that are not decolorized by acid alcohol after having been stained with dyes such as basic fuchsin; e.g., the mycobacteria and nocardiae. * * * acid fast as əd .fast adj not easily decolorized by acids (as when stained) used esp … Medical dictionary
acid fast — Refers to bacteria like the mycobacteria that cannot be easily decolorized with acid alcohol after being stained with dyes such as basic fuchsin … Dictionary of microbiology
acid-fast — adj. 1) describing bacteria that have been stained and continue to hold the stain after treatment with an acidic solution. For example, tuberculosis bacteria are acid fast when stained with a carbol fuchsin preparation. 2) describing a stain that … The new mediacal dictionary
Фуксин (Fuchsin, Magenta) — вещество из группы красноватых или пурпурных красителей; применяется для окрашивания бактерий при их наблюдении под микроскопом, а также для уничтожения различных болезнетворных микроорганизмов. Кислый фуксин (acid fuchsin, acid magenta)… … Медицинские термины