Lysiosquilla spinosa

Lysiosquilla spinosa

name = "Lysiosquilla spinosa"
status =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Crustacea
classis = Malacostraca
ordo = Stomatopoda
familia = Lysiosquillidae
genus = "Lysiosquilla"
species = "L. spinosa"
binomial = "Lysiosquilla spinosa"
binomial_authority = (Wood-Mason, 1875)

"Lysiosquilla spinosa", or New Zealand mantis shrimp, is a mantis shrimp of the family Lysiosquillidae, endemic to New Zealand. It is found from mid-tide to below low tide in firm mudflats around New Zealand and neighbouring islands, building extensive deep vertical burrows in which it spends most of its time, emerging at night to forage for food.

The carapace which covers the front part of the body is short and does not completely cover the region of the walking legs as it does in the true shrimps. The second pair of legs which, at rest, are held flexed like the first legs of the praying mantis (an insect), are used in exactly the same way.

Coloration is light and dark brown alternatively on each segment, with females also having a broad dull-red band down the middle of the back.

Maximum length is about 75 mm.


*cite journal |quotes=no |url= |author=Charles Chilton |title=Notes on the New Zealand Squillidae |journal=Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand |year=1890 |volume=23 |issue=VI |pages=58–68
* Miller M & Batt G, "Reef and Beach Life of New Zealand", William Collins (New Zealand) Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1973

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