

name = "Eocryphops"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Trilobita
ordo = Phacopida
superordo = Phacopina
superfamilia = Phacopoidea
familia = Phacopidae
genus = "Eocryphops"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Eocryphops" is a genus of trilobites from the order Phacopida, family Phacopidae. This genus hails from the Devonian time period. "Eocryphops" is very similar to "Phacops" and "Paciphacops", but differs slightly. The eyes are lower and further toward the front of the cephalon in "Eocryphops".

ome known species and locations

*"Eocryphops cryptapthalmus", Morocco.
*"Eocryphops kayseri", Germany.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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