

Voltz is a rechargeable battery-based guitar pedals power supply with the following characteristics:
* Capable of supporting 20+ pedals simultaneously for 8 hours on one single charge
* No more ground loops and power line hum
* Multiple output voltages – 9V, 12V, 15V, 18V, 24V and 40V
* 30-second pedalboard setup time

Voltz has three major components: power unit, converters, and tips.

The power unit has a high capacity rechargeable Li-ion battery with a built-in charger. The battery is rated at 60W with 6Ah capacity. It can supply over 3A which is sufficient to drive over 30 pedals simultaneously. It is comparable to or better than most notebook batteries.

Typically, one single charge will last one full week of music shows and rehearsals.

Running on battery will eliminate any power line interference.

The converter has an isolation transformer that takes the 18.5V output from the battery and produces the required voltage for effects pedals. The isolated transformer prevents guitar pedals from interfering with each other. Each converter generates up to 500 mA and can drive multiple guitar pedals with a daisy chain cable. Multiple converters can be chained to the power unit driving multiple guitar pedals.

The DC and signal grounds are connected to the amplifier ground eliminating ground loops.

The tip is for plugging a converter into a guitar pedal as different pedals may have different sockets.

ee also

*Guitar pedalboard
*Effects pedal
*Effects unit
*Guitar effects
*Guitar amplifier
*Distortion (guitar)
*Electric guitar

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