

name = "Trimerocephalus"

image_width = 200px
image_caption = a partial fossil of BASEPAGENAME with diagram inset.
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Trilobita
ordo = Phacopida
superordo = Phacopina
superfamilia = Phacopoidea
familia = Phacopidae
genus = "Triomerocephalus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Trimerocephalus" is a genus of trilobites from the order Phacopida, family Phacopidae. This genus is from the late Devonian and can be found in Morocco, Germany and occasionally in other european countries. These trilobites look similar to "Ductina", but differ in that on the cephalon there are destinguishable remains of where eyes used to be, unlike in "Dunctina" where-as the eyes and any sign of the genus having eyes is not apparent.

Some Known Species and Locations.

*"Trimerocephalus lelievrei", Morocco.
*"Trimerocephalus mastophthalmus", Germany, United Kingdom.
*"Trimerocephalus caecus", Germany.
*"Trimerocephalus laevis", United Kingdom (example below. Pilton Beds, Late Fammenian, North Devon : UK)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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