Hugo of Moncada

Hugo of Moncada

Hugo de Moncada (Valencia 1466 or 1467- Gulf of Salerno, May 28, 1528). was a Spanish political and military leader of the late 15th and early 16th century. Also known as Ugo de Moncada, He served as General of Ocean and Land, and Viceroy of Naples and Sicily.

Born to a noble family, desecended from the dukes of Bavaria. As a young man, he was made Knight of the the Order of San Juan.

Some state by 1495, he fought in Italy, but in 1495, he abandons the service to Cesare Borgia, to fight against the French. In 1496, he fights the french in Catalonia and Rosillon.

He fights for Ferdinand II of Aragon against berber privateers in Italian waters, and is named viceroy. In 1513, he helped the Count of Oliveto, Pedro Navarro, attack the port of Tripoli providing galleys from Sicily. In 1522, as a general for Charles V, he besieges the battlements of Tournai. In 1524, with 16 galleys, he attacks and takes the ramparts of Toulon, Hieres y Frejus, but is defeated and captureed by Andrea Doria at the mouth of the river Var. He is liberated in 1526 by the Treaty of Madrid.

He takes command of the armies to take Lombardy and then to Rome where his troops participated in the Sack of Rome (1527) and ultimately, aided Clement VII, when the latter finally became a supporter of the emperor Charles V. In 1528, in the harbor of Naples, he is blockaded by Genoese and French fleets. Dies while his fleet attacks and tries to break out. Most of the ships of his fleet were sunk or captured.

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