- Universities in Nicaragua
Universities in Nicaragua include two principal universities, the Central American University (Universidad Centroaméricana - UCA) and the
National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua--UNAN), are viewed as strongholds ofSandinista thought and sympathy, but are not considered influential in the political system.In 1992 Xavier Gorostiaga, a well-known pro Sandinista economist and a Jesuit priest, was the rector of the UCA, a Jesuit-run and church-financed institution. Alejandro Serrano Caldera, who served the Sandinista government as president of the Supreme Court and Nicaraguan ambassador to the
United Nations , was the rector of the state-financed UNAN in 1992. Both are well-known intellectuals who are viewed as bringing academic credibility and strength to the universities.The universities have actively sought to protect their own interests. During the transition period, the country's four state and two
private universities were granted academic, financial, and administrative autonomy by the outgoing Sandinista legislature through the University Autonomy Law. The universities were also given the right to elect their ownrector s, faculty council, and other governing bodies. Students, faculties, and administrators protested the Chamorro government's attempts in May 1990 to have theNational Assembly of Nicaragua suspend the electoral agreements in order to provide time for their review. The government backtracked, and the National Assembly eventually passed a law containing only minor reforms. University protests were not effective against the Chamorro government budget cuts for the universities, which passed the National Assembly in December 1991 with Sandinista support.List
This is a list of
Universities and otherhigher education institutions inNicaragua .UNESCO The International Association of Universities (IAU), 2004:
*http://www.unesco.org/iau/onlinedatabases/list_data/np-nw.html#NicaraguaCNU Consejo Nacional de Universidades - official list of universities:
Ave Maria College of the Americas
*Bluefields Indian and Caribbean University (BICU)
*Centro Superior de Estudios Militares (CSEM)
*Escuela Internacional de Agricultura y Ganadería (EIAG)
*Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas (INCAE)
*Instituto de Estudios Superiores (IES)
*Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Medicina Oriental Japón
*La Universidad Americana
*Universidad Adventista de Nicaragua (UNADENIC)
*Universidad American College
*Universidad Católica Agropecuaria del Trópico Seco (UCATSE)
*Universidad Católica Redemptoris Mater (UNICA)
*Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN)
*Universidad Centroamericana
*Universidad Cristiana Autónoma de Nicaragua (UCAN)
*Universidad de Administración, Comercio y Aduana (UNACAD)
*Universidad de Chinandega (UACH)
*Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales (UCC)
*Universidad de las Américas (ULAM)
*Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense (URACCAN)
*Universidad de Managua (UdeM)
*Universidad de Occidente (UDO)
*Universidad de Tecnología y Comercio (UNITEC)
*Universidad del Norte de Nicaragua (UNN)
*Universidad del Valle
*Universidad Evangélica Nicaragüense (UENIC)
*Universidad Hispanoamericana
*Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología (UNICIT)
*Universidad Internacional de Desarrollo Sostenible (UNIDES)
*Universidad Internacional de la Integración de America Latina (UNIVAL)
*Universidad Jean Jacques Rosseau
*Universidad Juan Pablo II
*Universidad La Anunciata
*Universidad Martín Lutero (UML)
*Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET)
*Universidad Paulo Freire (UPF)
*Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua (UPOLI)
*Universidad Popular de Nicaragua (UPONIC)
*Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA)
*Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN)
*Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) [http://www.uni.edu.ni/]
*Universidad Nicaragüense de Ciencia y Tecnologia (UCYT)
*Universidad Santo Tomas de Oriente y Medio Dia (USTOM)
*Universidad Tecnológica de Comercio
*Universidad Tecnológica Nicaragüense (U.T.N.)
*Universidad Thomas More ee also
List of Schools in Nicaragua
*Education in Nicaragua
*Nicaraguan Literacy Campaign References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.