Khosrov of Andzev

Khosrov of Andzev

Khosrov of Andzev (d. 964) was the father of Gregory of Narek, the greatest mystic poet of the tenth century. He took holy orders after the death of his wife, leaving his two sons, Grigor and Hovhannes, at the monastery of Narek to study under the tutelage of the abbot the scholar Anania Narekasti. In Armenian history and literature he is known for his commentary on the divine liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, in which he skillfully interprets its ceremonies, prayers, rites, sacred hymns, blessings and supplications.


*The Heritage of Armenian Literature: From the Sixth to the Eighteenth Century By Agop Jack Hacikyan, Gabriel. Basmajian, Edward S. Franchuk - Page 244

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