List of United States Senators in the 100th Congress by seniority

List of United States Senators in the 100th Congress by seniority

This is a classification of U.S. Senators by seniority from January 6, 1987 to January 2, 1989.

Order of service is based on the commencement of the Senator's first term. Behind this is former service as a U.S. Senator (only giving the Senator seniority within his or her new incoming class), service as U.S. Vice President, a House member, a cabinet secretary, a state governor, and then by their state's population, respectively. [ [ A Chronological List of United States Senators 1789-Present] , via ] [ [ 1961 U.S Census Report] Contains 1960 Census results.] [ [ 1971 U.S Census Report] Contains 1970 Census results.] [ [ 1981 U.S Census Report] Contains 1980 Census results.]

Senators who were sworn in in the middle of the 2 year Congressional term (up until the last senator who was not sworn in early after winning the November 1988 election) are listed at the end of the list with no number.


External links

* [ Senate Seniority List]

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