ISO 19770

ISO 19770

=ISO/IEC 19770-1 International Standard for Software asset management - Part 1: Processes=

ISO/IEC 19770-1 is a framework of Software Asset Management (SAM) processes to enable an organization to prove that it is performing software asset management to a standard sufficient to satisfy corporate governance requirements and ensure effective support for IT service management overall. This part of ISO/IEC 19770-1 describes the life cycle processes for the management of software and related assets. [ [ ISO/IEC 19770-1 Information technology — Software asset management — Part 1: Processes] ] [ [ Web site from the working group that developed the 19770-1 standard] ]

ISO/IEC 19770-2 International Standard for Software asset management - Part 2: Software identification tag

ISO/IEC 19770-2 provides a software asset management (SAM) data standard for software tags. Software tags provide authoritative identifying information for installed software ("software configuration items"). [ISO/IEC WD 19770-2: Information technology — Software asset management — Part 2:Software Tag] [ [ Web site from the working group developing the 19770-2 standard] ]

This process starts with the software manufacturer/publisher who will use this standard to enable their software to be accurately identified, which will make the software significantly more manageable from a software asset management perspective. This standard provides much more than just software identification however, by allowing other members of the SAM Ecosystem to add their own attributes to the software identification process (including who distributed the software, who may have re-packaged the software, if the software is following an ITIL release process, etc).

A draft of this standard was initially developed by a committee of the International Business Software Managers Association (IBSMA). The last version of the draft standard created by the IBSMA committee went out for public review in May 2007.

In October 2007, members of ISO/IEC Working Group 21 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 21) met in Montreal and created an "other working group" (OWG) to continue the development of the 19770-2 standard with the goal of finalizing the standard in time for the ISO Plenary meeting to be held in May of 2008 in Berlin. At this time, Steve Klos of Agnitio Advisors, was appointed as the convener of the other working group (OWG). In late December 2007, the OWG was allowed to restart work on the standard.

According to the schedule ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 plenary meeting took place in Berlin May 18th – 23rd, 2008. The JTC1/SC7 resolutions included appointment of Krzysztof (Chris) Baczkiewicz, IT Standards Support Department Manager for Eracent, as the Project Editor of both 19770-2 Software Identification Tag and 19770-3 Software Entitlement Tag standards.

This standard is in draft form and is in a public review process from January 25th, 2008 until March 14th, 2008. During this period, a copy of the draft was free for download from a number of sites, including

The standard will enter final committee draft on 19 September 2008. Until that time, the draft is available for comment and can be downloaded from:

ISO/IEC 19770-3 International Standard for Software asset management - Part 3: Software entitlement tag

John Tomeny of Sassafras Software Inc was appointed as the convener of the ISO/IEC 19770-3 Other Working Group by Working Group 21 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 21). In addition to WG21 members, other participants in the 19770-3 OWG may be any "individuals considered to have relevant expertise by the Convener". [ [ W21N0805 (revision 2): Terms of Reference for ISO/IEC 19770-3 Software Entitlement Tag Other Working Group] ]

ISO/IEC 19770-3 will provide a software asset management (SAM) data standard for software licensing entitlement tags. Software entitlement tags are computer files that provide authoritative identifying information about software licensing rights. [Early draft of ISO/IEC 19770-3]

The ISO/IEC 19770-3 Other Working Group ("OWG") [ [ Web site from the working group developing the 19770-3 standard] ] was convened by teleconference call on 9 September 2008. Seven subcommittees were defined and a regular meeting schedule was chosen. The mandate for this OWG will extend through the May 2009 ISO/IEC Plenary conference. It is anticipated that a Final Committee Draft will be submitted by the OWG to WG21 at that time.


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