- Ignoramus et ignorabimus
Latin maxim ignoramus et ignorabimus meaning "we do not know and will not know", stood for a pessimistic (in one sense) position on the limits ofscientific knowledge , in the thought of the nineteenth century. It was given credibility byEmil du Bois-Reymond , a Germanphysiologist , in his "Über die Grenzen des Naturerkennens" ("On the limits of our understanding of nature") of 1872. It generated continuing debate.On the 8th of September 1930, the
mathematician David Hilbert pronounced his disagreement in a celebrated address to the Society of German Scientists and Physicians, inKönigsberg ref|1:Cquote|"Wir dürfen nicht denen glauben, die heute mit philosophischer Miene und überlegenem Tone den Kulturuntergang prophezeien und sich in dem Ignorabimus gefallen. Für uns gibt es kein Ignorabimus, und meiner Meinung nach auch für die Naturwissenschaft überhaupt nicht. Statt des törichten Ignorabimus heiße im Gegenteil unsere Losung:""Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!"Cquote|We must not believe those, who today, with philosophical bearing and deliberative tone, prophesy the fall of culture and accept the "ignorabimus". For us there is no "ignorabimus", and in my opinion none whatever in natural science. In opposition to the foolish "ignorabimus" our slogan shall be:We must know — we will know!Hilbert worked with other formalists to establish concrete foundations for mathematics in the early 20th century. However,
Gödel's incompleteness theorems showed in 1931 that no finite system ofaxiom s, if complex enough to express our usualarithmetic , could ever fulfil the goals ofHilbert's program , demonstrating many of Hilbert's aims impossible.The
sociologist Wolf Lepenies has discussed the "ignorabimus" with a view that du Bois-Reymond was not really retreating in his claims for science and its reach::"it is in fact an incredibly self-confident support for scientific hubris masked as modestyref|2"
This is in a discussion of
Friedrich Wolters , one of theStefan George circle. Lepenies comments that Wolters misunderstood the degree of pessimism being expressed about science, but well understood the implication that scientists themselves could be trusted with self-criticism.ee also
*Strong agnosticism
*Unknown unknown
*I know that I know nothing References
# Hilbert's [http://math.sfsu.edu/smith/Documents/HilbertRadio/HilbertRadio.mp3 radio address] , and [http://math.sfsu.edu/smith/Documents/HilbertRadio/HilbertRadio.pdf transcription and English translation] .
# Lepenies, "Between Literature and Science: the Rise of Sociology", ISBN 978-0-52-133810-3.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.