- Lilium pyrenaicum
name = "Lilium pyrenaicum"
regnum =Plantae
phylum = Magnoliophyta
classis =Liliopsida
ordo =Liliales
familia =Liliaceae
genus = "Lilium "
species = "L. pyrenaicum"
binomial = "Lilium pyrenaicum""Lilium pyrenaicum" (Pyrenean Lily, Yellow Turk's-cap Lily, Yellow Martagon Lily) is native to montane regions, mainly the
Pyrenees , from Spain and eastwards, with the range extending into theCaucasus . It grows up to 1.3m high. It bears up to 12 Turks-cap shaped flowers. These are yellow, orange or red, and unpleasantly scented.References
*Patrick M. Synge: Collins Guide to Bulbs. 1961.
*European Garden Flora; vol. 1, 1986.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.