

name = Polylepis

image_width = 200px
image_caption = Polylepis in Sajama National Park, Bolivia
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Rosales
familia = Rosaceae
tribe = Sanguisorbeae
genus = "Polylepis"
genus_authority = Ruiz & Pav.

"Polylepis" is a genus of trees and shrubs restricted to the Andes of South America. The genus belongs to the Rosaceae family and to the tribe Sanguisorbeae. It is wind-pollinated and can be recognized by its pinnate leaves and a multi-layered, papery bark, the latter feature also prompting its scientific name, a combination of Greek and Latin meaning "many-scales".


"Polylepis" species frequently occur at or above the natural tree line in the Andes. "Polylepis tarapacana" is especially remarkable for being the woody plant occurring at the highest elevations worldwide. It forms monotypic stands at 3,800 - 4,500 m.a.s.l. (12,000-15,000 feet above sea level), far above the natural treeline which is typically between 3,200-3,5000 m.a.s.l (10,000-11,000 feet above sea level). These "Polylepis" forests are separated by the true treeline of the forests of the humid yungas or dry Interandean valles by shrubs or grasses of the puna. Controversy exists between tropical ecologists whether its currently fragmented distribution is natural or the result of human land-use. Some scientists believe that much of the open grasslands of the Andean altiplano that currently separate isolated "Polylepis" forests were in fact one continuous forests before early native Andean peoples cleared or burned the ancient forests.

Conservation issues

"Polylepis" forests exist primarily as small, widely isolated fragments, which are being rapidly depleted by rural communities. Remaining "Polylepis" forests are used for firewood and building material and provide protection against erosion and habitats for endangered animals. In some countries, conservation and reforestation measures are underway.

Taxonomic History

The genus has a complicated taxonomic history. Researchers have variously regarded it as comprising 15 to more than 30 species [Simpson, B.B., 1979. A revision of the genus "Polylepis" (Rosaceae: Sanguisorbeae). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 43] [Bitter, G. (1911). Revision der Gattung "Polylepis". Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 45: 564-656] . The last treatment recognizes 28 species [Kessler, M. & A.N. Schmidt-Lebuhn (2006). Taxonomical and distributional notes on "Polylepis" (Rosaceae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 6: 67-69. [http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-01.htm Online supplement] ] .

pecies include

*"Polylepis australis"
*"Polylepis crista-galli"
*"Polylepis hieronymi"
*"Polylepis incana"
*"Polylepis lanuginosa"
*"Polylepis microphylla"
*"Polylepis multijuga"
*"Polylepis neglecta"
*"Polylepis pauta"
*"Polylepis pepei"
*"Polylepis racemosa"
*"Polylepis reticulata"
*"Polylepis rugulosa"
*"Polylepis subsericans"
*"Polylepis tarapacana"
*"Polylepis weberbaueri"


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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