Parti Communautaire Européen

Parti Communautaire Européen

The Parti Communautaire Européen (PCE) was a pan-European nationalist political party based in Belgium that had a platform similar to National Bolshevism.

The party was initially formed in 1965 by Jean-François Thiriart as a political group to work alongside his Europe-wide movement "Jeune Europe". [ [ Jean Thiriart artcile from PCN website] ] However the PCE did not gain much attention until the 1970s, when, with the aid of Luc Jouret (later founder of the Order of the Solar Temple) and Joseph di Mambro, Thiriart managed to engineer a split in the Communist Party of Belgium (PCB) gain a new core of membership for the CPE. Calling for the creation of single European entity, it has been claimed that the group was actually controlled by Gladio. [ Amnistia info on the Order of the Solar Temple and links with Gladio] ]

Despite this, the PCE gradually declined in importance, particulalry as Thiriart came to spend less time in Belgium. Many supporters of the PCE moved on to the "Front National" in the early 1980s as the group largely disappeared. The group was finally put to rest in 1984 with the foundation of the "Parti Communautaire National-Européen", a group with similar ideas that Thiriart agreed to serve as advisor to. [ [ P. Beaudry, 'Synarchy Movement of Empire'] ]

The party is not connected to the European Community Party, a more recent initiative. [ [ European Community Party website] ]


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