Emissora de TV
nome = Rede Brasileira de Televisão Internacional
nome completo = RBTI Network Ltda.
imagem =
tipo = Rede de Televisão Comercial
descricao =
país = BRA
fundação = Abril de 2007
pertence a = Marcelo Do Espirito Santo
presidente = Marcelo Do Espirito Santo
slogan = "Orgulho de ser Brasileiro"
cobertura = Via Satélite
faixa_etaria = Todas as Idades
sedes principais = São Paulo (cidade), SP
site = [http://www.rbtinetwork.com/ www.rbtinetwork.com]



Rede Brasileira de Televisão Internacional better known as RBTI began its TV transmission on April 28, 2006 in São Paulo worldwide. The network owned by Marcelo Do Espirito Santo and the Espirito Santo family. RBTI is watched by 1 million people daily worldwide.

Since its launch in 2006 the RBTI channel has became one of the local Brazilian-Portuguese community television in North America. First of the international television channels to bring the World Cup in Portuguese to the Community. RBTI programming lineup includes American movies in Portuguese, soap operas, talk shows, news, women shows, music, community, sports, science and family entertainment.

It is also the first Brazilian channel in the United States to produce a daily community related show called AMERICA LEGAL and COMUNIDADE LOCAL. The show includes a legal question and answer section hosted by U.S. immigration attorney, Moses Apsan, interviews with interesting Brazilians in the U.S. as well as a daily news segment, presented by Cristina Natividade, which keeps the community updated on the happenings of the Brazilian community thought the United States. The director of the show is Joao Vianna and the announcer is Cinthia Martins.

RBTI is available in North, Central, South America and Europe by satellite and cable.

RBT International in the US is carried by satellite service Dish Network.

Today RBTI is present also in Portugal by cable and satellite service at TVTEL,BragaTel and Plurical.


2006 - A TV feita para você2007 - Onde a estrela é vc 2008 - Orgulho de ser brasileiro (Brazilian Pride)

Centers and Affiliates

RBTI Network operates satellite television channels around the world, broadcast 24 hours to Portuguese-speaking community.

External links

* [http://www.rbtinetwork.com Official site]

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