Antinaturalism (politics)

Antinaturalism (politics)

As a political movement in France, antinaturalism is closely linked to the animal rights movement; some antinaturalists posit that any reference to Natural law, such as the reintroduction of wolf predators into a forest to curb deer overpopulation, is a form of speciesism, and encourage veganism in human beings as well as in predator animals, as a way of showing equal respect to the lives of prey as to the lives of predators. Antinaturalism is also closely linked to anti-sexist and gay liberation movements, in part a reaction against religious fundamentalists who justify male subjugation of women, social exclusion of homosexuality, and the primacy of a gender binary featuring patriarchal men, maternal women, and no room for weakness or disability, as expressions of Natural law. Some French antinaturalists defend abortion, divorce, contraception, surgery, and other means by which human beings can take control of their own bodies and their own environments (see: transhumanism). Antinaturalism stands in contrast to some radical environmentalist movements, which state that Nature itself is sacred, and should be preserved for its own sake; antinaturalism posits that all human acts are natural, and that ecological preservation is important inasmuch as it is necessary for human survival, not because of some inherently sacred attribute of Nature as a whole.

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