- Essays of George Orwell
Essays of George Orwell is an alphabetical list of essays written by
George Orwell (pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair), the influential English author and critic.Orwell published two volumes of essays during his life, "Inside the Whale and Other Essays" in 1940, and "Critical Essays" in 1946. Since his death, many collections of essays have appeared, most comprehensively the four volume "Collected Essays, Letters and Journalism" edited by his last wife, Sonia Orwell, which was published in 1968; and the last eleven volumes of the twenty volume "The Complete Works of George Orwell" (1998), edited by Peter Davidson.
List of Essays
A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/vicar/]
*"A Hanging " 1931 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/hanging/]
*"A Nice Cup of Tea "
*"AntiSemitism In Britain " 1945, seeAnti-Semitism
*"Arthur Koestler" 1944, seeArthur Koestler
*"As I Please " series in Tribune 1943-1947
*"" 1944, seeSalvador Dalí
*"Books vs. Cigarettes " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/cigar/]
*"Bookshop Memories " 1936
*"Boys' Weeklies" 1940 [http://orwell.ru/library/essays/boys/]
*"Charles Dickens" 1939 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/dickens/] , seeCharles Dickens
*"Charles Reade", seeCharles Reade
*"Confessions of a Book Reviewer '" 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/reviewer/]
*"Decline of the English Murder " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/decline/]
*"Democracy in the British Army " 1939 [http://www.marxists.org/archive/orwell/1939/democracy-army.htm]
*"Down the Mine "
*"England Your England "
*"Freedom of the Park "
*"Future of a Ruined Germany " 1945
*"Good Bad Books " 1945 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/books/]
*"How the Poor Die " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/Poor_Die/]
*"In Defence of English Cooking " 1945
*"In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse " 1945, seeP.G. Wodehouse
*"In Defence of the Novel " 1936 [http://www.orwell.ru/library/articles/novel/english/e_novel]
*"Inside the Whale " 1940 [http://orwell.ru/library/essays/whale/]
*"James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution "
*"Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool " 1947 [http://orwell.ru/library/essays/lear/] , seeKing Lear ,Leo Tolstoy
*"Looking Back On The Spanish War " 1942, seeSpanish Civil War
*"Mark Twain -- The Licensed Jester ", seeMark Twain
*"Marrakech" 1936 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/marrakech/english/e_mar]
*"My Country Right or left 1940
*"Nonsense Poetry " 1945 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/nonsense/]
*"North and South"
*"Notes on Nationalism "1945
*"A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/vicar/]
*"Pleasure Spots "
*"Poetry and the Microphone " 1946
*"Politics and the English Language " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/]
*"" 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/swift/]
*"Raffles and Miss Blandish " 1944
*"Reflections on Gandhi " 1949 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/gandhi/] , seeMahatma Gandhi
*"Revenge is Sour " 1945 [http://www.netcharles.com/orwell/essays/revengesour.htm]
*"Riding Down from Bangor " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/bangor/]
*"Rudyard Kipling" 1942, seeRudyard Kipling
*"Second Thoughts on James Burnham " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/burnham/]
*"Shooting an Elephant " 1936 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/elephant/]
*"Some Thoughts on the Common Toad " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/Common_Toad/]
*"Spilling The Spanish Beans "
*"Such, Such Were the Joys " 1947, see public school,St Cyprian's School
*"The Art of Donald McGill " 1941, seeDonald McGill
*"The Moon Under Water " [http://www.whitebeertravels.co.uk/orwell]
*"The Prevention of Literature " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/essays/prevention/]
*"The Spike" 1931
*"The Sporting Spirit " 1945 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/spirit/]
*"W.B Yeats" 1943, seeW. B. Yeats .
*"Wells, Hitler And the World State " 1941 [http://orwell.ru/library/reviews/wells/english/e_whws] , seeH.G. Wells
*"Why I Write " 1946 [http://orwell.ru/library/essays/wiw/]
*"Writers and Leviathan " 1948
*"You and the Atomic Bomb " 1945 [http://orwell.ru/library/articles/ABomb/english/e_abomb] , see Atom bombExternal links
* [http://orwell.ru/biblio/english/bbl_0c Most referenced collections] Bibliography breaking down contents of most frequently cited collections, with links to online contents.
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