

Witkey ("Wei Ke" in Pinyin) is a web-based system whereby users can exchange and purchase services and information, sharing knowledge and experience in order to save time and money. Generally, requests posted are of the type not easily answered on a general internet search engine and can be of either a personal or professional nature. Students and professionals alike post requests for help with research and even answers to homework. More and more of these requests are being posted on one of the ever-growing number of Witkey websites. There are 123 million internet users (or "netizens") in China and this is increasing. The number of recorded Witkey users in China is estimated at 600,000 and is set to increase to 9 million by 2007 according to the Beijing-based CCID Consulting Co.

The requests are usually answered for a small fee which is worked out in points through the company running the Witkey website itself, which in turn are exchangeable for cash. From RMB 50 for a quick know-how answer to a small technological query to around RMB 1,000 to help a company come up with a logo design, with even higher amounts being paid out for more diverse services such as scientific research and analysis.

The Witkey industry is predicted to grow as it proves popular with providers and clients alike, results are generally good and although the work can be demanding it can be done from home and the hours are flexible and, since you only need an internet connection to take on work as a Witkey, even those in remote areas are able to get in on the action as all of the services provided are carried out over the internet.

There are of course some negative points to the system which relies heavily on trust between providers and clients and provisions are seen to be taken to allow for a more comprehensive monitoring of the Witkey system in the future.


*China Economic Net
*"China Today revue" (Vol.56 Feb 2007)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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