Klaus Neumann

Klaus Neumann

Infobox Military Person
name= Klaus Neumann
born=birth date|1923|10|5|df=y
placeofbirth=Wettin, Province of Saxony

caption=Klaus Neumann
allegiance=flagicon|Nazi Germany Nazi Germany
rank= Leutnant
unit=JG 51, JG 3, JG 7 and JV 44
battles=World War II
*Operation Barbarossa
awards="Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross"

Klaus Neumann (5 October 1923ndash 10 December 2000) was a German Leutnant and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross during World War II.

World War II

Unteroffizier Neumann began his combat flying with 2./JG 51 on the Russian front in May 1943. He claimed his first victory on 15 July 1943. He was to record 12 victories over Russia.

On 25 June 1944, 2./JG 51 was transferred to Germany where it joined IV./JG 3 becoming 16./JG 3 on 10 August. Neumann was particularly successful against the Allied four-engined bombers. Although flying a heavily armed and thoroughly un-manoeuvrable Focke Wulf FW 190A-8 "Sturmbock" in close formation was totally different from the low altitude turning dog fights that characterised air combat over the Russia, Neumann was to become one of IV./JG 3 leading bomber killers during the summer and autumn of 1944.
Feldwebel Neumann was recommended for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 25 November 1944 and had it personally presented to him by Adolf Hitler on 9 December 1944.

In January 1945, Neumann transferred to JG 7 in a staff position. Here he clashed with the unit’s recently appointed Kommodore, Major Theodor Weissenberger. Shortly afterwards Oberst Johannes Steinhoff and Oberstleutnant Adolf Galland approached him with an invitation to join JV 44. Leutnant Neumann gained five victories flying the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter [For a list of Luftwaffe jet aces see "List of German World War II jet aces"] .

At 3:00 PM on 24 April 1945 Neumann was one of four pilots to take off from Munich-Riem to intercept B-26 Marauder. Günther Lützow, who failed to return from this mission, led the flight of four. Lützow's fate remains unknown to this date [Kurt Braatz, page 365] .

Klaus Neumann was credited with 37 victories achieved in about 200 combat missions. 12 of his victories were recorded over the Eastern front and he shot down 19 four-engined bombers. He was also credited with shooting down five enemy aircraft flying the Me 262 jet fighter.

After the war

Some of his experiences with JV 44 were related to Robert Forsyth in Classic's "Battle over Bavaria", (ISBN 0952686740). When approached for an interview in 2000 Klaus Neumann was very reluctant to talk about his Sturmgruppe experiences, apparently full of remorse for the loss of life he caused amongst the USAAF bomber crews. Klaus Neumann died at home on the 10 December 2000.


* German Cross in Gold (25 October 1944)
* Iron Cross 2. and 1. class
* Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (9 December 1944)


* Braatz, Kurt. "Gott oder ein Flugzeug - Leben und Sterben des Jagdfliegers Günther Lützow". NeunundzwanzigSechs Verlag, 2005. ISBN 3-9807935-6-7.
* Fellgiebel, Walther-Peer. "Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939-1945". Friedburg, Germany: Podzun-Pallas, 2000. ISBN 3-7909-0284-5.
* Patzwall, Klaus D. and Scherzer, Veit. "Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941 - 1945 Geschichte und Inhaber Band II". Norderstedt, Germany: Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, 2001. ISBN 3-931533-45-X.

External links

* [http://www.luftwaffe.cz/neumann.html Klaus Neumann @ Aces of the Luftwaffe]

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