

name = "Juncus"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Juncus hostii" from Thomé, "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz" 1885
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Poales
familia = Juncaceae
genus = "Juncus"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Juncus" is a genus in the plant family Juncaceae. It consists of 225 [http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_JM_treatment.pl?8238,8239 Jepson Manual Treatment] ] to 300 [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=116870 Flora of North America Genus Profile] ] species of grassy plants commonly called rushes. They occur in all wet regions of the world, but rarely in the tropics. Many are considered weeds in gardening, and few are used as ornamental plants.

"Juncus" species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species - see list of Lepidoptera that feed on "Juncus".

Species include [http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=JUNCU USDA Plants Profile: North American Species] ]
* "Juncus abortivus" Chapman - annual rush
* "Juncus acuminatus" Michx. - tapertip rush, tufted rush, sharp-fruited rush
* "Juncus acutus" L. - sharp rush, spiny rush
* "Juncus acutiflorus" Ehrh. ex Hoffm. - sharp-flowered rush
* "Juncus albescens" (Lange) Fernald - northern white rush
* "Juncus alpinoarticulatus" Chaix - northern green rush, alpine rush
* "Juncus ambiguus" Guss. - frog rush, seasice rush, doubtful toad-rush
* "Juncus anthelatus" (Wiegand) R.E.Brooks - greater poverty rush
* "Juncus arcticus" Willd. - arctic rush, baltic rush, wire rush
* "Juncus articulatus" L. - jointed rush
* "Juncus balticus" Willd. - baltic rush
* "Juncus biflorus" Ell. - bog rush
* "Juncus biglumis" L. - twoflowered rush
* "Juncus bolanderi" Engelm. - Bolander's rush
* "Juncus brachycarpus" Engelm. - whiteroot rush
* "Juncus brachycephalus" (Engelm.) Buch. - small-headed rush
* "Juncus brachyphyllus" Wieg. - tuftedstem rush
* "Juncus brevicaudatus" (Engelm.) Fern. - narrow-panicle rush, short-tailed rush
* "Juncus breweri" Engelm. - Brewer's rush
* "Juncus bryoides" F.J. Herm. - moss rush
* "Juncus bufonius" L. - toad rush
* "Juncus bulbosus" L. - bulbous rush
* "Juncus caesariensis" Coville - New Jersey rush
* "Juncus canadensis" J. Gay ex Laharpe - Canadian rush
* "Juncus capillaris" F.J. Herm. - hairystem dwarf rush
* "Juncus capitatus" Weigel - leafybract dwarf rush
* "Juncus castaneus" Sm. - chestnut rush
* "Juncus chlorocephalus" Engelm. - greenhead rush
* "Juncus compressus" Jacq. - round-fruited rush
* "Juncus confusus" Coville - Colorado rush
* "Juncus conglomeratus" L. - compact rush
* "Juncus cooperi" Engelm. - Cooper's rush
* "Juncus coriaceus" Mackenzie - leathery rush
* "Juncus covillei" Piper - Coville's rush
* "Juncus cyperoides" Laharpe - Forbestown rush
* "Juncus debilis" Gray - weak rush
* "Juncus dichotomus" Ell. - forked rush
* "Juncus diffusissimus" Buckl. - slimpod rush
* "Juncus drummondii" E. Mey. - Drummond's rush
* "Juncus dubius" Engelm. - dubious rush, questionable rush
* "Juncus dudleyi" Wieg. - Dudley's rush
* "Juncus duranii" Ewan - Duran's rush
* "Juncus effusus" L. - common rush, soft rush
* "Juncus elliottii" Chapman - Elliott's rush
* "Juncus ensifolius" Wikstr. - swordleaf rush
* "Juncus falcatus" E. Mey. - falcate rush
* "Juncus filiformis" L. - thread rush
* "Juncus filipendulus" Buckl. - ringseed rush
* "Juncus georgianus" Coville - Georgia rush
* "Juncus gerardii" Loisel. - saltmarsh rush
* "Juncus glomeratus" Batson - clustered rush
* "Juncus greenei" Oakes & Tuckerman - Greene's rush
* "Juncus gymnocarpus" Coville - Pennsylvania rush
* "Juncus haenkei" E. Mey. - Haenke's rush
* "Juncus hallii" Engelm. - Hall's rush
* "Juncus hemiendytus" F.J. Herm. - Herman's dwarf rush
* "Juncus howellii" F.J. Herm. - Howell's rush
* "Juncus inflexus" L. - hard rush, European meadow rush
* "Juncus interior" Wieg. - inland rush
* "Juncus kelloggii" Engelm. - Kellogg's dwarf rush
* "Juncus kraussii
* "Juncus leiospermus" F.J. Herm. - Red Bluff dwarf rush
* "Juncus lesueurii" Boland. - salt rush
* "Juncus longii" Fern. - Long's rush
* "Juncus longistylis" Torr. - longstyle rush
* "Juncus luciensis" Ertter - Santa Lucia dwarf rush
* "Juncus macrandrus" Coville - longanther rush
* "Juncus macrophyllus" Coville - longleaf rush
* "Juncus marginatus" Rostk. - grassleaf rush
* "Juncus maritimus" Lam. - sea rush
* "Juncus megacephalus" M.A. Curtis - bighead rush
* "Juncus mertensianus" Bong. - Mertens' rush
* "Juncus mexicanus" Willd. - Mexican rush
* "Juncus militaris" Bigelow - bayonet rush
* "Juncus nevadensis" S. Wats. - Sierra rush
* "Juncus nodatus" Coville - stout rush
* "Juncus nodosus" L. - knotted rush
* "Juncus occidentalis" Wieg. - western rush
* "Juncus orthophyllus" Coville - straightleaf rush
* "Juncus oxymeris" Engelm. - pointed rush
* "Juncus parryi" Engelm. - Parry's rush
* "Juncus patens" E. Mey. - spreading rush
* "Juncus pelocarpus" E. Mey. - brownfruit rush, mud rush
* "Juncus phaeocephalus" Engelm. - brownhead rush
* "Juncus planifolius" R. Br. - broadleaf rush
* "Juncus polyanthemos" Buch. - manyflower rush
* "Juncus polycephalus" Michx. - manyhead rush
* "Juncus pylaei" Laharpe -Pylaeie's rush
* "Juncus regelii" Buch. - Regel's rush
* "Juncus repens" Michx. - lesser creeping rush
* "Juncus roemerianus" Scheele - needlegrass rush
* "Juncus rugulosus" Engelm. - wrinkled rush
* "Juncus saximontanus" A. Nels. - Rocky Mountain rush
* "Juncus scirpoides" Lam. - needlepod rush
* "Juncus secundus" Beauv. ex Poir. - lopsided rush
* "Juncus squarrosus" L. - heath rush, mosquito rush
* "Juncus stygius" L. - moor rush
* "Juncus subcaudatus" (Engelm.) Coville & Blake - woodland rush
* "Juncus subnodulosus" Schrank - blunt-flowered rush
* "Juncus subtilis" E. Mey. - greater creeping
* "Juncus supiniformis" Engelm. - hairyleaf rush
* "Juncus tenuis" Willd. - slender rush, path rush
* "Juncus texanus" (Engelm.) Coville - Texas rush
* "Juncus textilis" Buch. - basket rush
* "Juncus tiehmii" Ertter - Nevada rush
* "Juncus torreyi" Coville - Torrey's rush
* "Juncus tracyi" Rydb. - Tracy's rush
* "Juncus trifidus" L. - highland rush
* "Juncus triformis" Engelm. - Yosemite dwarf rush
* "Juncus triglumis" L. - three-hulled rush
* "Juncus trigonocarpus" Steud. - redpod rush
* "Juncus tweedyi" Rydb. - Tweedy's rush
* "Juncus uncialis" Greene - twelfth rush
* "Juncus validus" Coville - roundhead rush
* "Juncus vaseyi" Engelm. - Vasey's rush
* "Juncus xiphioides" E. Mey. - irisleaf rush


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  • Juncus — Juncus …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Juncus — n. The type genus of the {Juncaceae}, comprising the rushes; they are perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions. Syn: genus {Juncus}. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Juncus — (J. L), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie Juncaceae, 6. Kl. 2. Ordn. L., die sechs Blüthenhüllblätter spelzenartig, krautigtrockenhäutig, sechs, seltener drei Staubgefäße, Kapselklappen in der Mitte scheidewandtragend; Samen zahlreich; Arten:… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Juncus L. — Род 61. Ситник (Сем. Juncaceae – Ситниковые) 141. Juncus ambiguus Guss. – Ситник лягушачий (Syn: Juncus ranarius Song, et Perr., non Achers. et Graebn.) 142. Juncus articulatus L. – Ситник членистый (Syn: Juncus lamprocarpus Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) 143 …   Флора Центрально-лесного государственного заповедника

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