Bronisław Knaster

Bronisław Knaster

Bronisław Knaster (18931990) was a Polish mathematician; from 1939 university professor at Lwów, from 1945 at Wrocław.

Knaster received his Ph.D. degree from Université de Paris in 1925, under the supervisionof Stefan Mazurkiewicz. These two individuals are considered by many among the greatest point-set topologists of all time.

He worked in topology and set theory. He is perhaps best known for his discovery of the pseudo-arc, the first example of a hereditarily indecomposable continuum, and the Knaster continuum, or buckethandle continuum.

In 1963 he received a "Nagroda państwowa" (national award) and a degree. He was famous for his sense of humour. He organized meetings of mathematicians called "knasteria" after the history of this discipline in Poland.

ee also

*Knaster-Tarski theorem

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