- Abdullah Khan Tarzi
Sardar Abdullah Khan Tarzi "(died 1970)" was atwentieth century AfghanStatesman fromKandahar province inAfghanistan . [Encyclopedia of the Developing World: Volume Three... [http://www.routledge-ny.com/ref/developingworld/afghan.html Link] ] As a country "elder," he participated in the nationalLoya Jirga (loya means "great" or "grand" and jirga means "council" or "assembly"), specifically the one in 1964 that was called byMohammed Zahir Shah , which acted as a constitutional convention. In and out of office, he was always a key decision maker, as he was a tribal andPashtun leader in southern Afghanistan.Abdullah Khan Tarzi was a soldier in the
Third Anglo-Afghan War in 1919, which lead to Afghan independence from the British. He would fight in that war for over two years. This led to his first role in Afghan politics, as Abdullah Khan Tarzi would becomemayor ofKandahar at the age of 18 years old. He would rise from being the Mayor of the city to representative ofKandahar province in theWolesi Jirga , the lower house of the Afghan parliament. After one term, he then took the position of being thegovernor of the province. Soon after, Abdullah Khan Tarzi reached the Afghan Senate, known as theHouse of Elders , representing Kandahar province for two terms, he was the leader of the Senate during his final two years. [Tarzi for America: History - Abdu... [http://www.TarziForAmerica.com/aboutus.hmtl Link] ] [Tarzi for America: History - Abdu... [http://www.TarziForAmerica.com/aboutus.hmtl Link] ] Abdullah Khan Tarzi was one of the few members of the Tarzi's family, sinceGhulam Muhammad Tarzi to lead within Afghanistan; traditionally, most notable Tarzi's have served Afghanistan on the international stage.Abdullah Khan Tarzi died in 1970, leaving behind his wife, four sons and three daughters. [The Royal Ark: Royal & Ruling House of Afgha... [http://4dw.net/royalark/Afghanistan/tarzi.htm Link] ]
See also
*Politics of Afghanistan References
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