En no Gyōja

En no Gyōja

En no Gyōja (役行者), or En no Ozunu (役小角), born 634, was a Japanese ascetic and mystic, traditionally held to be the founder of Shugendō, a conglomerate religion incorporating aspects of Taoism, Shinto, esoteric Buddhism (especially Shingon Mikkyō and the Tendai sect but some Zen sects have also been heard of) and traditional Japanese shamanism. He is venerated as a "bosatsu" ("bodhisattva, "or pursuer of enlightenment) Jinben Daibosatsu (神変大菩薩).

Authorship of the non-canonical Sutra on the Unlimited Life of the Threefold Body is attributed to En no Gyōja. Due to his mythical status as a mountain saint, he was believed to possess many supernatural power. In Koji Suzuki's novel "Ring," Shizuko Yamamura draws a statuette of En no Gyōja up from the sea, upon which she receives supernatural powers such as precognition. Because her daughter Sadako was born with these powers, some have suggested that En no Gyōja (referred to as En no Ozunu in the novel) is in fact Sadako's father.

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