Han-Tang Yuefu

Han-Tang Yuefu

The Han-Tang Yuefu Music Ensemble ( HTYF ) was founded in 1983 by Miss Chen Mei-o of Nankuan ("Southern Winds") fame. Its purpose was to confirm the major role of Nanguan in the history of Chinese music, to trace the origins to its earliest sources, and to train singers and instrumentalists in the proper art of performing Nanguan music and, while energizing the lifeblood of this ancient tradition, rescue it from the brink of oblivion. Productions of the HTYF are marked by clearly defined scholarly goals, a spirit of in-depth cultural probing, distinctive ethnic characteristics, rich legacies in classical art, and highly polished performance techniques. These have together contributed to their refined and superior elegance. For more than ten years as they performed this ancient music at centres of higher learning the worldwide, Han-Tang Yuefu have earned international renown and admiration at various art festivals in Europe and Asia, winning high praise everywhere.Fact|date=July 2007

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