- Petey and Jaydee
"Petey and Jaydee" is a series of short (approx 1 min each) 3D animated cartoons, created by
Momentum Animation Studios inMelbourne ,Australia .Comparable to "
Happy Tree Friends " with all its cruelty, this series follows the mis-adventures of two miniature alien "companions" (Petey and Jaydee) who take pleasure in exploring the homes (and the appliances within) of Earth's current inhabitants. Although each show begins innocently enough, it always ends with Jaydee murdering Petey through devious traps. The traps are usually created using common household devices such asmicrowave ovens ,blenders etc.At the start of each episode the aliens will begin playing together with one of these devices, which are usually 3 to 4 times bigger than themselves, when suddenly Jaydee will convince Petey to perform a certain action, leading to his inevitable death. The cause of death being the appliance itself.
One of the trademarks of the show is the uncontrollable, spiteful laughter that is heard from Jaydee every time his plan succeeds. It also signals the end of the program.
Petey and Jaydee is currently and has been aired on Australian
SBS TV since 2004. It is also being shown in 35 other countries around the world.External links
* [http://www.momentumanimationstudios.com The official Petey and Jaydee website] Producers
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.