Jungle World

Jungle World

"Jungle World" is a German weekly newspaper published in Berlin. Initially founded in 1997 by striking editors of the German Marxist daily "Junge Welt", it became independent after only a few issues. Today, it is published by the Jungle World Verlags GmbH in the names of over thirty current and former authors, editors, and staff as well as friends of the newspaper.

It has been described as a “newspaper of pluralistic debate,” [ [http://www.taz.de/index.php?id=archivseite&dig=2004/09/08/a0229 Wenn Linke weinen] , die tageszeitung, 08 September 2004 (in German)] and its anti-national and cosmopolitan positions reflect those of the “undogmatic left” in Germany. [ [http://www.zeit.de/2000/33/Schon_drei_Jahre_Jungle_World?page=1 Schon drei Jahre "Jungle World"] , die Zeit, 33/2000 (in German)] An online publication of the Goethe Institute describes it as “ [w] itty, left-wing and fairly hard-hitting. "Jungle World" combines committed journalism and a good layout to form quite a good package. It doesn’t, however, sell that many copies.” [ [http://www.berlinfo.com/Lifetime/Services/media/newspapers/index.htm Newspapers in Germany] , Berlininfo.com]

The newspaper received a large amount of criticism among the left in Germany due to its opaque stance on the upcoming Iraq War in 2002 and its criticism of then-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s use of anti-war politics in his re-election campaign of the same year. [ [http://www.d-a-s-h.org/dossier/07/10_jungleworld.html Die Diskussion der deutschen Linken um die Haltung zum Nahostkonflikt am Beispiel der Wochenzeitung "Jungle World"] , D-A-S-H., Dossier #7: Analysen und Statements zum Nahostkonflikt aus deutscher Sicht, 2005 (in German)] A strong point of contention among the German left is its pro-Israel positions. A founder and co-editor of the "Jungle World" refers to the paper as “explicitly anti-anti-Zionist, anti-anti-Semitic, and anti-anti-American.” [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=890853 Letter from Berlin: The anti-anti-Zionists] , Haaretz.com, 07 August 2007]

Since its re-launch on its tenth anniversary in 2007, "Jungle World" features two sections: the outer concerns mostly political news and analysis on German and international matters as well as debate, the inner section is dedicated to cultural and literary criticism, biting satire, and a longer piece in the form of a dossier. In contrast to most other German newspapers, it also runs a weekly comics page. Since April 2008, its website also runs a series of blogs.


External links

* [http://www.jungle-world.com "Jungle World"] website (in German)

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