Kai Althoff

Kai Althoff

Kai Althoff is a German visual artist, born in 1966.

Life and work

Kai Althoff was born in Cologne, Germany. He is a multimedia artist, but has received most of his recognition for his paintings.

He has shown work in exhibitions including the 2004 Venice Biennale, "Drawing Now" at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, "Chère Paintre, Liebe Maler, Dear Painter" at the Pompidou Centre in Paris and "A Perilous Space" at Magnani in London.

His work has been included in several books listing important contemporary artists, such as "Art Now", published by Taschen.

He is represented by Gladstone Gallery in New York, Gabriele Senn in Vienna, Daniel Bucholz in Cologne and Galerie NEU in Berlin.


2008 "Life on Mars," the 2008 "Carnegie International" [http://blog.cmoa.org/CI08/2008/02/kai-althoff.php]

External links

* [http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/2604 Kai Althoff on ArtFacts.Net]
* [http://www.artnet.com/artist/1430/kai-althoff.html Althoff on artnet.com]
* [http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/kai_althoff.htm Kai Althoff at the Saatchi Gallery]

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