

name = "Puntanipterus"
fossil_range = Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
ordo = Pterosauria
subordo = Pterodactyloidea
superfamilia = ?Dsungaripteroidea
familia = ?Dsungaripteridae
genus = "Puntanipterus"
genus_authority = Bonaparte and Sanchez, 1975
binomial = "Puntanipterus globosus"
binomial_authority = Bonaparte and Sanchez, 1975

"Puntanipterus" (meaning "Puntano (native of San Luis) wing") was a genus of ?dsungaripterid pterodactyloid pterosaur from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous La Cruz Formation of San Luis, Argentina. It is based on PVL 3869, a tibia and fibula; referred to it were a back vertebra and a wing and foot phalanx. The leg bones were described as similar to those of "Pterodaustro" (from slightly younger rocks), except for having a spherical joint at the ankle and spiny processes on the front and back faces of the tibia at that end.Bonaparte, J.F., and Sanchez, T.M. (1975). Restos de un pterosaurio "Puntanipterus globosus" de la formación La Cruz provincia San Luis, Argentina. "Actas Primo Congresso Argentino de Paleontologia e Biostratigraphica" 2:105-113. [Spanish] ] It was considered to be a dsungaripterid by the time Peter Wellnhofer published "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Pterosaurs" (several editions in the 1990s).cite book |last=Wellnhofer |first=Peter |authorlink=Peter Wellnhofer |title=The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Pterosaurs |origyear=1991 |year=1996 |publisher=Barnes and Noble Books |location=New York |isbn=0-7607-0154-7 |pages=134 ]

Glut reports a personal communication from L. Codorniú and Luis Chiappe (2004) that it should be regarded as a junior synonym of "Pterodaustro",Glut, D.F. (2006). "Pterodaustro" In: Glut, D.F. "Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia." 4nd Supplement. McFarland & Company, Inc.:Jefferson, North Carolina, 623-624. ISBN 0-7864-2295-5.] but it remains to be seen if this will be supported in the future; it was not done in David Unwin's "The Pterosaurs: From Deep Time", published in 2006 (he recognized it as a possibly valid species of uncertain relationships).Unwin, D.M. (2006). "The Pterosaurs: From Deep Time." Pi Press:New York, 272-273. ISBN 0-13-146308-X.]


External links

* [http://www.pterosaur.co.uk/species/LCP/Dsung/punt-glob.htm "Puntanipterus"] in The Pterosaur Database
* [http://archosauria.org/pterosauria/taxonomy/genera/puntanipterus.html "Puntanipterus"] in The Pterosauria

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