Squad Five-O

Squad Five-O

Infobox musical artist
Name = Squad Five-O

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Background = group_or_band
Origin = Savannah, Georgia, USA
Genre = ska-punk / glam rock / CCM
Years_active = 1997-2006
Label = BulletProof Music, Tooth & Nail, Capitol Records
Past_members = Jeff Fortson John Fortson Jason Anderson Justin Garbinski Adam Garbinski Kris Klein Dave Petersen

Squad Five-O was a contemporary Christian band from Savannah, Georgia. Like their initial Ska-punk stylings, their name was derived from a cross between the television shows "Hawaii Five-O" and the "The Mod Squad". Between 1997 and 2006 the band grew lyrically and in popularity. Over the course of their career they moved from a very small indie Christian label to the general market label Capitol Records and released five albums in the process.


The band's following grew quickly, spurred on by the growing popularity of artists such as Five Iron Frenzy, The OC Supertones, and third-wave ska in general. In 1997 they took "HM Magazine"'s reader's choice award for "Favorite New Artist of 1997".cite web |url=http://www.graydot.com/support/squadx.html |title=Squad Five-O |accessdate=2007-02-07 |year=1997 |publisher=BulletProof Music]

From the outset the group ran into controversy. Their initial release, "What I Believe", contained a song entitled "Our State Flag Sucks". The lyrical content of the song, which called the Georgia state flag (The 1956-2001 version was flying at the time) a banner of hate for its likeness to flags of the Confederate States of America, ironically caused the album to be banned from many Christian bookstores.cite book |last=Powell |first=Mark Allan |title=Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music |year=2002 |publisher=Hendrickson Publishers |location=Peabody, Massachusetts |isbn=1-56563-679-1 |edition=First printing |pages=859-860]

"What I Believe" and the band's second release, "Fight the System", were released by Bulletproof Music. "Fight the System" was unique in that, although it had 18 listed tracks plus a hidden bonus track, it had 31 tracks of silence before the bonus track, "Rock and Roll Anthem". This gave the album 50 tracks overall, a nod to the "Five-O" in the band's name. [ [http://www.eeggs.com/items/28249.html Fight the System (Squad Five-O) Easter Eggs - Eeggs.com ] ] Drummer Jason Anderson left after "Fight the System" and was replaced by Justin Garbinski of Speedy Delivery; Justin's brother, Adam, who also played in The Huntingtons as A.J. Huntington, joined on guitar.

The sound on their first two releases was characterized as ska punk, but that changed when the band moved from their indie label BulletProof to the major Christian label Tooth & Nail Records. Their 2000 album "Bombs Over Broadway" was produced by Duane Baron. The original cover art of "Bombs Over Broadway" showed warplanes flying through downtown New York. The album's title track described an attack on New York City and warned that other cities would also be attacked. "Bombs Over Broadway" also contained a card explaining the lyrics to the songs; Tooth & Nail did the same with The Deadlines' first album, "The Death & Life Of...", which used death-related metaphors in most of its songs. After the September 11, 2001, attacks, occurred the following year, Tooth & Nail decided to change the album's cover to show a picture of the band members. The new release of the album still had the same songs as the original album had.

Common themes in their music are the power of the youth, the effects of social ills, and Christian unity, though with "Squad Five-O", their final Tooth & Nail release, the group had largely moved away from spiritual themes.cite web |url=http://www.popmatters.com/music/reviews/s/squadfiveo-bombs.shtml |title=Squad Five-O: "Bombs Over Broadway" - PopMatters Music Review |accessdate=2007-02-07 |last=Hicks |first=Chuck |date=2000-08-15 |publisher= [http://www.popmatters.com Pop Matters] ] After their contract was sold to the general market label Capitol Recordscite web |url=http://www.decapolis.com/music_/pages/SquadFive-O-LateNewsBreaki.shtml |title=Squad Five-O- "Late News Breaking" |accessdate=2007-02-07 |last=Nichols |first=Phil |date=2004-06-29 |publisher= [http://www.decapolis.com Decapolis.com] ] their lyrics appeared to leave their Christian roots,cite web |url=http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:kq2ibk59sakc~T1 |title="Late News Breaking" |accessdate=2007-02-07 |last=Loftus |first=Johnny |date= |publisher=Allmusic] but the band still professed to be Christians.cite web |url=http://web.archive.org/web/20050412112428/squadfive-o.com/journal.asp?id=737270 |title=new jive 02.27.04 |accessdate=2007-02-07 |last=Garbinski |first=Adam |date=2004-02-27 |publisher=Squad Five-O]

Their web site went dead in early 2006, and they are presumed to have broken up.


*Jeff Fortson - Vocals, guitar
*John Fortson - Bass
*Justin Cohut - Drums (1995-1997)
*Jason Anderson - Drums (1997-2000)
*Justin Garbinski - Drums (2000-2002)
*Adam Garbinski - Guitar (1999+)
*Kris Klein - Guitar (2000+)
*Dave Petersen - Drums (2001+)


*1997: "What I Believe" (BulletProof Records, Reviews: [http://www.inmusicwetrust.com/articles/02s23.html In Music We Trust] )
*1998: "Fight the System" (BulletProof Records, Reviews: " [http://web.archive.org/web/20010713013634/www.hmmagazine.com/issue72/72Albums.htm HM Magazine] "cite journal |last=Van Pelt |first=Doug |year=1998 |month=July/August |title=Album Reviews: SQUAD FIVE-O" Fight The System " |journal=HM Magazine |id=ISSN|1066-6923 |issue=72 |pages= ] )
*2000: "Bombs Over Broadway" (Tooth & Nail Records, Reviews: [http://teenink.com/Past/2000/December/Music/Squad5O.html Teen Ink] , [http://www.realmagazine.com/new/reviews/squad50.html Real Magazine] , [http://www.tollbooth.org/2000/reviews/squad50.html The Phantom Tollbooth] , [http://www.popmatters.com/music/reviews/s/squadfiveo-bombs.shtml Pop Matters] )
*2002: "Squad Five-O" (Tooth & Nail Records)
*2004: "Late News Breaking" (Capitol Records, Reviews: [http://www.decapolis.com/music_/pages/SquadFive-O-LateNewsBreaki.shtml Decapolis] , [http://www.tollbooth.org/2005/reviews/squad50.html The Phantom Tollbooth] , [http://www.stylusmagazine.com/reviews/squad-five-o/late-news-breaking.htm Stylus Magazine] , [http://web.archive.org/web/20040824154604/www.pastepunk.com/viewcdreview.php?id=1216 PastePunk.com] , [http://www.punknews.org/reviews.php?op=albumreview&id=3092 PunkNews.org] , [http://www.smother.net/reviews/punk.php?ID=117 Smother.net] )


External links

* [http://www.myspace.com/squadfiveo Squad Five-O's Myspace]
* [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:jxfyxq9kldae AMG Profile] Concert Reviews:
*2004: [http://www.virginmegamagazine.com/default.asp?aid=C25 Virgin Magazine]
*2004: [http://www.punknews.org/reviews.php?op=albumreview&id=3149 PunkNews.org]

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