

Fido may mean:
* "Fido" is a common name for a pet dog, from the Latin "fidelis", faithful.
* Fido (band), a punk/rock band from Melbourne, Australia
* "Fido" (film), a 2006 Canadian zombie comedy film
* Fido (software), a software scheduled media downloader for GNU/Linux
*, an internet service provider
* Fido Solutions, a Canadian cellular carrier owned by Rogers Wireless
* "Fido" is a common nickname for the Zimbabwean computer programming activist Fidelis Gwokuda
* Fido intelligence (A.I. designer team). Polish Natural Language Processing Research and Developmen Team
* Fido from the reggaeton duo Alexis & Fido

Fido may also refer to:
* Mark 24 FIDO Torpedo or Mark XXIV mine, a US acoustic homing torpedo used during the Second World War
* FidoNet is a non-commercial computer network founded by Tom Jennings
** FidoBBS, formally called "FIDO", the name of the BBS software developed by Tom Jennings
* Claude (Grand Theft Auto), nicknamed Fido, from the computer and video game "Grand Theft Auto III"
* Fido Dido is a cartoon character associated with 7 Up soft drink
* Fido Explosives Detector is a portable explosives detector used extensively by the military for IED detection and people for explosives residue

FIDO is an acronym for:
* Flight Dynamics Officer, for whom FIDO is the NASA Mission Control call sign
* Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation (FIDO), a fog dispersal system developed in the second world war
* Fire Direction Officer, commands the Fire Direction Center (FDC) for an artillery battalion.

fido is an acronym for
* "flexible input, deterministic output", a microcontroller architecture of Innovasic, Inc

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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