- Systemic Infrastructure Initiative
The Systemic Infrastructure Initiative was announced by the
Government of Australia in January 2001 as part ofBacking Australia's Ability – "An Innovation Action Plan for the Future".The Government announced that $246 million would be allocated over five years "to upgrade the basic infrastructure of universities, such as scientific and research equipment, libraries and laboratory facilities" to support research and research training.cite book | title = Backing Australia's Ability: An Innovation Action Plan for the Future | author =
Commonwealth of Australia | month = January | year = 2001 | id = ISBN 0-642-72133-5, ISR 2000/223 | url = http://backingaus.innovation.gov.au/docs/statement/strategy_doc2001.htm ]Those eligible to apply are restricted to universities and other higher education institutions specified in Table A of the
Higher Education Support Act 2003 ,Bond University andUniversity of Notre Dame Australia . [cite web | url = http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/research_sector/programmes_funding/general_funding/research_infrastructure/systemic_infrastructure_initiative.htm | title = Systemic Infrastructure Initiative | accessdate = 2007-02-06 ]Early committees
In 2002, as part of the SII funding, the Minister committed $250,000 to two committees, the "Higher Education Information Infrastructure Implementation Steering Committee" (HEIIAC) and "Higher Education Bandwidth Advisory Committee" (HEBAC). These committees were to formulae further broad projects to be considered for SII funding in the following year.
The [http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/research_sector/publications_resources/summaries_brochures/research_information_infrastructure_framework.htm Final Report of the Higher Education Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee] was completed in November 2002.
Australian Research Information Infrastructure Committee
As part of SII the Minister for Education, Science and Training, Dr Brendan Nelson, MP established the "Australian Research Information Infrastructure Committee" (ARIIC) in August 2003 to advise the Government on the information infrastructure requirements. [http://www.dest.gov.au/ministers/nelson/aug_03/n433_140803.htm] [http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/higher_education/programmes_funding/programme_categories/research_related_opportunities/systemic_infrastructure_initiative/sii_funded_projects.htm]
2002 round
IMS Global Australia - Core Funding
* IMS COLIS Testbed
* Business Intelligence Lab (BIT Lab),University of New South Wales
* Clinical Trial Data and Information Network, "Flexetrials", NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre,University of Sydney
* Australian Academic & Research Library Network,La Trobe University
*Joint Academic Scholarships On-line Network (JASON)
* Dataset Acquisition, Accessibility and Annotation e-Research Technology Project (DART)
*BIAcore 3000 for Discovery & Characterisation of Novel Pharmaceuticals
* Australian Research Libraries Collection Analysis Project
* Australian Partnership in Advanced Computing (APAC) 2004-2006
* Towards an Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR)
*Australian Partnership in Advanced Computing Facilities and Equipment
* Acquisition of next generation instruments in micro- and nano-analysis of solids and fluids in the geosciences and materials sciences, located in a purpose designed shared lab located at
Macquarie University
* High Sensitivity, High AccuracyMass Spectrometry for Advanced Molecular and Biomolecular Research,University of New South Wales
* Establishment of ananofabrication facility at theInstitute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials at theUniversity of Wollongong
* Establishment of aAdvanced Materials Manufacturing and Performance Centre ,Deakin University
* Provision of high through-putDNA analysing machines for Population Biology Research and Research Training atLa Trobe , theUniversity of Queensland andMonash University
* Spatial and Sonological Information Laboratory,Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology .Digital Design Precinct
* Integrated Microfabrication Facility,Swinburne University of Technology
* Large Scale Experimental Building Fire Facility,Victoria University of Technology
* Improvements to the equipment and instrumentation level of thehypersonic s facility at theUniversity of Queensland
* ASHRIMP Ion Microprobe Facility for Earth Sciences,Curtin University of Technology
* ACIGA-LIGO High Optical Power Test Facility
* 3D-Imaging of Intact Root Systems in soil,University of Adelaide
* Upgrade of UV Radiation Monitoring Capabilities,University of Tasmania
* Upgrade facilities atSiding Spring Observatory ,Australian National University Network
Over the course of the SSI program, many improvements to the
national backbone were funded:
*Tasmanian Research and Education Network
*Victoria Education and Research Network (VERN)
* Marine Research and Education Network
*Australian Research and Education Network (AREN)
** contribution towards accessing the AREN from the Charles Sturt University campuses atWagga Wagga and Bathurst
** interim solution (for 3 years) for high bandwidth connections from the Sunshine backbone to campuses in five regional centres in Queensland (JCU Cairns, CQU Mackay and Gladstone, USC Sippy Downs and USQ Hervey Bay)
** high bandwidth links between the AREN and Murdoch University's three campuses at South Street, Rockingham and Mandurah
** AREN Regional Light Up
* 2.5 Gbit/s backbone network fromBrisbane toJames Cook University inTownsville
*South Australian Broadband Research and Education Network (SABRENet)
** improved broadband access fromUniversity of Wollongong to Sydney
** 155 Mbit/s link between Adelaide andCharles Darwin University
** Contribution towards the cost of access fromAustralian Maritime College
** Dual 10 Gbit/stranspacific link to carry research and education traffic for an initial period of five years
* 1Gb inter-university network in Adelaide over theElectricity Trust of South Australia bandwidth for 15 years
* provide access to two fibre pairs on theNextGen network for the Australian higher education sector and wider research communityFRODO projects
In 2003, ARIIC funded four "Federated Repositories of Online Digital Objects" (FRODO) projects [http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw66/hunter.html] :
* [http://www.apsr.edu.au/ Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories] (APSR)
* [http://www.melcoe.mq.edu.au/projects/MAMS/ Meta Access Management System Project] (MAMS) [http://mams.melcoe.mq.edu.au/zope/mams]
* Australian Research Repositories Online to the World (ARROW)
* [http://adt.caul.edu.au/ Australian Digital Theses Program Expansion] (ADT)MERRI projects
On 22 August 2005 the Hon Dr
Brendan Nelson announced funding for nine projects collectively known as the "Managed Environments for Research Repository Infrastructure" (MERRI) projects, involving over 30 Australian universities. The funded projects are: [http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/research_sector/policies_issues_reviews/key_issues/australian_research_information_infrastructure_committee/default.htm#New_SII_projects]
* [http://www.bluenet.org.au/ BlueNet] : Australian Marine Science Data Network
* [http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/research_sector/policies_issues_reviews/key_issues/australian_research_information_infrastructure_committee/ariic_projects.htm Time Sync] : Mapping the Global Financial System
* [http://mmim.ssg.org.au/ Molecular Medicine Informatics Model] (MMIM): A Multi-Institutional, Multi-disciplinary Research and Training Platform for Clinical Research
* [http://www.ask-oss.mq.edu.au/ Australian Service for Knowledge of Open Source Software] (ASK-OSS)
* [http://www.middleware.edu.au/ Middleware Action Plan and Strategy] (MAPS)
* [http://www.oaklaw.qut.edu.au/ Open Access to Knowledge] (OAK-LAW) (Legal Protocols for Copyright Management: Facilitating Open Access to Research at the National and International Levels (LPCM))
* EFR: e-Security Framework for Research, University of Queensland
* [http://rubric.edu.au Regional Universities Building Research Infrastructure Collaboratively] (RUBRIC)References
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