- Robert Galbraith Heath
Dr. Robert Galbraith Heath (1915 - 24 September 1999) was an American psychiatrist. He followed the theory of
biological psychiatry that organic defects were the sole source of mental illness [ Heath, R.G. (1961) Reappraisal of biological aspects of psychiatry. "Journal of Neuropsychiatry" 3: 1-11. ] , and that consequently mental problems were treatable by physical means.Heath founded the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at
Tulane University , New Orleans, in 1949 and remained its Chairman until 1980 [ In Memoriam: Robert Galbraith Heath, MD, DMSci (1915–1999). "Neurology" 54(2): 286. ] He performed many experiments there involving electrical stimulation of the brain via surgically implanted electrodes [Heath, R.G. (1963) Electrical self-stimulation of the brain in man. "American Journal of Psychiatry" 120: 571-577. ] [ Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. (1972) Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. "Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry" 3: 23-30. ] . One of his collaborators was the Australian psychiatristHarry Bailey , who later reminisced that they had usedAfrican American s as subjects "because they were everywhere and cheap experimental animals" [Slattery, J.P. (1990) Report of the Royal Commission into Deep Sleep Therapy. "New South Wales Parliamentary Paper" 304/1990-1991 ISBN 0724087664 ] .Heath also experimented with the drug
bulbocapnine to induce stupor, using prisoners in theLouisiana State Penitentiary as experimental subjects [Scheflin, A.W. & Opton, E.M. (1978) "The Mind Manipulators: a non-fiction account." (Paddington Press: New York) ISBN 0448229773 pp. 314-315. ] . He later worked onschizophrenia , which he regarded as an illness with a physical basis [ Heath, R.G. (1967) Schizophrenia: pathogenetic theories. "International Journal of Psychiatry" 3(5): 407-10. ]Notes
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