- Towereroo
Towereroo (Kualelo)(1776? - d. unknown) was the first Hawai'ian to visit Europe. He was returned to
Hawai'i by theVancouver Expedition in 1792.An inhabitant of
Molokai , in 1788 Towereroo went aboard "Princess Royal" (Captain Charles Duncan) as translator and passenger.cite web
url=http://books.google.com/books?id=11zisSCCOKEC|title=Hawaii Nei 128 Years Ago: Journal of Archibald Menzies, kept during his three visits to the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands in the years 1792-1794
author=Archibald Menzies
editor=William Frederick Wilson
accessdate=January 12|accessyear=2008] cite book
author=Naish, John
title=The Interwoven Lives of George Vancouver, Archibald Menzies, Joseph Whidbey and Peter Puget: The Vancouver Voyage of 1791-1795
publisher=The Edward Mellen Press, Ltd.
year=1996|id=ISBN 0-7734-8857-X] cite web
title=A Voyage to the North West Side of America: The Journals of James Colnett
author=James Colnett
editor=Robert Galois
ISBN 0774808551
accessdate=January 12|accessyear=2008
publisher=UBC Press] In addition to Duncan, he befriended her chief mate (and later commander)James Johnstone and surgeonArchibald Menzies cite web
title=The Global Eighteenth Century chapter two: Tupaia: Polynesian Warrior, Navigator, High Priest - And Artist
author=Glyndwr Williams
editor=Felicity Nussbaum
accessdate=January 12|accessyear=2008
publisher=JHU Press] . They voyaged to China where Towereroo was put on "Prince of Wales". When they reached England, Johnstone put him in school where, according to Menzies: :"...to the art of Drawing in general he appeared most partial, & would no doubt in a short time make great proficiency with the aid of a little instruction, but in this uncultivated state of his mind he seemed fondest of those rude pictures called Caricatures & frequently amused himself in taking off even his friends in imitation of these pieces."In 1790, Towereroo accompanied Captain Duncan in an exploration of
Hudson Bay . When they returned to England, Menzies' patronSir Joseph Banks announced hopes that Towereroo would be helpful to British ships visiting Hawai'i. In 1791 he was put aboard HMS "Discovery"cite web
title=Muster Table of His Majesties Sloop The Discovery
accessdate=December 15|accessyear=2006
publisher=Admiralty Records in the Public Record Office, U.K.] , along with Menzies and Johnstone. He assisted Menzies in exploring ashore and botanizing atTenerife and, probably, elsewhere, making him probably the first Hawai'ian to visitSouth Africa ,Australia andNew Zealand .When the expedition reached Tahiti, Towereroo decided he preferred to stay and marry a local girl. However, the Lords of the Admiralty had directed Vancouver to return him to Hawai'i, and Towereroo's wishes were not considered. The local chief,
Pomarrey , protected Towereroo for a few days, but after "...much investigation, and some coercion..."cite web
title=All the Voyages Round the World|author=John Galt
accessdate=January 12|accessyear=2008
publisher=William H. Colyer] returned the young adult to the British.In March 1792, the expedition reached Hawai'i, where it was discovered that Towereroo's home island of
Molokai was enduring a famine. He was therefore left with ChiefKaiana and a few presents, which the chief promptly took. Later visitors, such as Frances Barkley of the "Halcyon", noted his perfect English and use of the English name "Charles". According to then-LieutenantPeter Puget , English explorers found Towereroo "of infinite use in the management of the Natives."Menzies reports that by being useful to
Kamehameha , Towereroo had gained a plantation and he gained another by marrying a chief's daughter; ultimately he controlled around 200 "vassals". In the rough-and-tumble of Hawai'ian politics, his rapid rise and close relation with the "Britanee" were both assets and sources of jealousy; at least once Vancouver had to intercede for his life.Little is recorded of this young man's eventual fate, who in his time was the most far-traveled of Hawai'ians.
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