

name = "Haopterus"
status = fossil
fossil_range = Early Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
ordo = Pterosauria
subordo = Pterodactyloidea
familia = Ornithocheiridae
genus = "Haopterus"
genus_authority = Wang and Lü, 2001
binomial = "Haopterus gracilis"
binomial_authority = Wang and Lü, 2001

"Haopterus" (meaning "Professor Yichun Hao's wing") was a genus of ornithocheirid pterodactyloid pterosaur from the Barremian-Aptian-age Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China. It is based on IVPP V11726, the front half of a subadult, including a skull, pectoral girdle, sternum, arms, cervical and dorsal vertebrae, and metatarsals. The skull was long and low, with no crest, and had short, sharp, rearward-pointing teeth. The authors suggested that its slender hindfeet meant it was a piscivore, and that it preferred to move quadrupedally on land. The wingspan of the type individual was estimated at 1.35 m (4.43 ft).Wang X. and Lü J. (2001). Discovery of a pterodactloid pterosaur from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. "Chinese Science Bulletin" 45(12):447-454.]


External links

* [http://www.pterosaur.co.uk/species/LCP/pterod/Haopterus.htm "Haopterus"] in The Pterosaur Database
* [http://archosauria.org/pterosauria/taxonomy/genera/haopterus.html "Haopterus"] in The Pterosauria
* [http://dino.lm.com/images/display.php?id=2158 Painting of "Haopterus"] at the Dinosauricon

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