ADAS may stand for:
* ADAS (company), an environmental consultancy in the United Kingdom
* Add Damping And Stickness, in vibration engineering
* Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Asiago-DLR Asteroid Survey, a project to search for comets and asteroids, with special emphasis on near-Earth objects
* Architecture Design and Assessment System, a set of software programs offered by the Research Triangle Institute from the mid 1980s until the early 1990s
* Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary
* Atomic data and analysis structure, in atomic physics
* AWOS Data Acquisition System, a FAA computer system which obtains and disseminates weather observations from automated airport weather stations

Adas may refer to :
* Adas Bank, a submerged bank located off the west coast of India
* Adas Israel Congregation (Duluth, Minnesota) and Adas Israel Congregation (Washington, D.C.), two modern Jewish synagogues
* Temple Adas Israel, a National Historic Landmark synagogue in Brownsville, Tennessee

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