

Kustom can refer to:

*Kustom (cars), a particular style of custom car, popularised in the 1950s
*Kustom Amplification, a manufacturer of guitar equipment
*Kustom (footwear), a brand of Billabong

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  • Kustom — Kulture Un Hot rod La Kustom Kulture est le mouvement venu des États Unis qui rassemble toute la culture du Hot rodding, du rockabilly, des fifties de la customisation de voitures anciennes et des pin up, ainsi qu un certain style de vie, de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • kuštom — kuštõm prv. Mẽs kalbėjomės kuštõm, kad kàs nenugir̃stų …   Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas

  • Kustom Amplification — is a manufacturer of guitar and bass amplifiers and PA systems.Founded in 1966, the original main selling point of Kustoms was their appearance: Kustom was the first to mass produce amplifiers covered in Tuck And Roll naugahyde, similar to some… …   Wikipedia

  • Kustom Kulture — ist ein Oberbegriff für Kunst, Fahrzeuge, Frisuren und Kleidungsstil von Angehörigen der Customizing Szene, die Autos und Motorräder umbaut und veredelt. Aus den Anfängen des «hot rodding» in den USA der 1950er Jahre haben sich verschiedene… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kustom Kar Kompetition — Album par La Muerte Sortie 1991 Enregistrement Bruxelles, Belgique Durée 43:52 Genre Metal alternatif, Heavy Metal …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kustom Kulture — Un Hot rod La Kustom Kulture est le mouvement venu des États Unis qui rassemble toute la culture du Hot rodding, du rockabilly, des fifties de la customisation de voitures anciennes et des pin up, ainsi qu un certain style de vie, de façon de s… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kustom Kulture — is an …   Wikipedia

  • Kustom Kulture — En este artículo sobre cultura se detectaron los siguientes problemas: Necesita ser wikificado conforme a las convenciones de estilo de Wikipedia. Carece de fuentes o referencias que aparezcan en una fuente acreditada. Por …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kustom Sienna 65 Combo — The Sienna 65 Combo amplifier is designed specifically to amplify acoustic instruments (primarily guitar), and as such, is probably not an optimal design for electric guitars.The Sienna 65 includes two channels: a guitar channel and a separate… …   Wikipedia

  • Kustom (cars) — Kustoms are modified cars from the 1950s and early 1960s done in the customizing styles of that time period. The usage of a k for kustom rather than a C , is said to have originated from car builder George Barris. This style generally consists of …   Wikipedia

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