- Alberto Arnal
Alberto Arnal (Serra (
Camp de Túria ) 1913 -Quart de Poblet (Horta Oest ) 1966), known as Quart (or Xiquet de Quart) was theValencian pilota ruling "dauer" player during the 1930s. His mastery deserved him to be rewarded by having a picture on the "Honor Gallery" of thePelayo trinquet . On 1991 theValencian Pilota Federation awarded him with the Golden medal.He began playing at the
Manises trinquet and got to be the main player at the Pelayo "trinquet" during the 30s and 40s. He was announced with a not too-gifted "punter" against the most powerful trios (such as Llíria I, Mora deMontcada i Micalet dePaterna ). Due to disagreements with the Pelayo managers, he tuirned to play at the Grau "Llevant trinquet". On 1948, almost at the end of his career, his returning to Pelayo against Juliet d'Alginet carried lots of watchers."Quart" was a strong and tall player, he was so powerful that he could throw the
vaqueta ball easily to the "galleries" (it must be taken into account that those balls then weighed 32 gr. and were not so fliers as the actual ones). His opponents complaint that it was very difficult to get a "quinze" against him due to his technique. His "dau" hit was so violent that he was forbidden to play the first "dau" ball of every "quinze" so that the rival team could, at least, send the ball back.Unfortunately, however, he tragically lost a son and this caused him to ruin down psychologically. Due to this misfortune he became an almost apathical player who tried to forget his sorrow exceeding his life out of the trinquets, and this diminished his skills.
Anyway, until Juliet appeared he had no opponent at his level and he was the main player until the 1940s. On 1984 he deserved a tribute match at Pelayo, which was absolutely fulled up.
External links
* [http://www.geocities.com/pilotavalenciana/ Webpage devoted to the "Xiquet de Quart"]
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