Cease Fire!

Cease Fire!

Cease Fire! was a movie made in 1953 by Owen Crump. The film featured real ammunition and real soldiers, and additionally was one of the first 3-D movies of its time. This movie was under heavy violation of fthe film code. A song written for the film by Corporal Henry Goszgowski contained the words "damn" and "hell" this violated the film code for the time, but the movie was passed anyway.


This movie was filmed during the Korean war.

Some soldiers from the film are still alive to this day including Corporal Henry Goszkowski.

Real shots were fired but in a distance where none of the soldiers could get injured.

The land mine about half-way through the movie was a real land mine.

There were many sequels made of Cease Fire!

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  • cease-fire — {n.} A period of negotiated nonaggression, when the warring parties involved promise not to attack. * /Unfortunately, the cease fire in Bosnia was broken many times by all parties concerned./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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