Preparatoria Jalisco

Preparatoria Jalisco

The Escuela Preparatoria de Jalisco, ("Jalisco's High School") is located in the city of Guadalajara at the called historic downtown. The building is one of the most beautiful architectonic jewels of the city, is confirmed by the Church of the Auntion Lady and the Saint Philip's College.


In the year of 1720 the Pope Clement the XI confirm the creation of an oratorium dictated to Saint Phillip Neri in the city of Guadalajara, in that century propriety of the New Spain kingdom, and capital of the Nueva Galicia Kingdom. Informed of the Pope's dispositions, the King Felipe V de Borbon expided the real document dated in August 13 1721, that announce to the people for begin the constructions of the new oratorium.

The bishop Juan de León Garabito, promoted the "Filipenses" congregations, and found for their

FoundationBy means of papal bull dictated in Rome March of 1720, 22 the Pope XI Clemente it confirmed the foundation of San Felipe's Oratory Neri in the city of Guadalajara, for capital that time of the Kingdom of New Galicia. Informed of the Roman Pontiff's dispositions, the King from Spain, Don Felipe V of Borbón, sent the Real dated Identification August of 1721, 13 in which approves the faithful execution of the Papal Bull, ad effectum the Diocese of Guadalajara proceeded to look for and to acquire an enough lot so that in him the parents filipenses built the provincial house of the sacred Congregation of the Oratory.It was the Bishop Don Juan Santiago from León Garabito who promoted made out to order nun of the same filipenses that had been structured in a congregation whose definitive establishment was 16 May 1679,for who he/she acquired a near lot to the property of the Palm, place that formed the bank norponiente of the village of Guadalajara in the XVIII century and it was contiguous to the College of girls from San Diego of Alcalá.Their majesty gift Fernando VI of Borbón, King from Spain, for Real Identification given in Madrid 25 October 1751, ordered to the filipenses to move to the plazoleta of the Palm or of San Fernando, place where they would erect a dedicated chapel to the Virgin of the Asunción and they would found his school fulfilling this way the educational function that I/you/they had been commended. The alarife Pedro José native Cypress of the town of San Miguel of Mezquitán, was the in charge of so splendid architectural work, under the auspices and the address of the presbytery Cristóbal of Mazariegos.The work was ending for parts, first the school in its patio of plateresque influence, then the Mudejar one and finally the románico, coinciding with the solemn consecration of the temple happened in the year of 1802.The main façade of the school is beside the street San Felipe (seen to the south) and he/she was added the second floor during the fourth decade of the XIX century, however, the property was vacated by the filipenses August 4 1850. This praiseworthy educating activity was interrupted of a plumazo by the dark one, demented and tenacious hand of the terrible Pope I Tweet IX, the same pontiff that censored the Mexican Constitution of 1857, generating with it the fraticida Guerra of Reformation.

During the ReformationThis way the things, and once unoccupied the property, the high clergy put it to disposition of the Order the Sisters of the Charity who dedicated it for Hospital of Needy in the period that embraces from 1850 to 1867. The gentleman president of the Republic, Atty. Benito Juárez García, once carried out the expropriation of the exconvento filipense, for virtue of the date ordinance July 16 1872 prepared that the old cloister was dedicated to house to the Secondary school of Abandoned that for then he/she administered the Meeting of Charity of Guadalajara, under the presidency of the humanist munificiente Don Dionisio Rodríguez. The presidential dispositions were fulfilled this way the only explanation, that the property would give housing exclusively to orphan girls. This institution had as director Mrs. María Trishler, up to 1904 in that the property was sold.Merced to the tolerance and the government's porfirista traditional approval toward the clerical organizations, the Secretary of the Treasury and Public Credit Don José Yves Limantour authorized after an expedite evaluation procedure the sale of the centennial I associate filipense, for the quantity of 60,000.00 (sixty thousand pesos 0/100 M.N.), in favour of the lady Mrs. Margarita Pérez Verdía of González Olive groves, the illustrious historian's jaliscience daughter Don Luis Pérez Verdía who fungiera like director of the Secondary school of Males; this sale was notarized by the Notary public Don José Ortiz Gordoa, under the number 7 seven, the day October 10 1904 and he/she registered in the Public Registration of the Property October of the same year 14, with the number 170 and corresponding to the property the number 6928.Principles of the twentieth century

Mural in the main stairway of the High school of Jalisco.

Really, the property was in hands of Jesus' Company, of 1904 at 1914, using you like school centre for third occasion, under the name of the Mr. San José's" "Institute. With this reason, the Jesuit decked out to the property, taking in their façade the style French neoclassical style, concluding the second floor and equipping, in that then very modern the laboratories of Physics, Chemistry and Natural History (Biology). It is necessary to notice that the cloister filipense changed owner (prestanombre) November of 1905, 17 by means of the deeds of sale number 120 passings in the face of the faith of the Notary public Don Enrique Arreola, in favor of Mr. Juan Ortiz Gordoa.Special mention deserves the library of the facility, designed by San Felipe's Oratorianos Neri, but concluded by the priests Jesuit, carved everything in ebony wood, bookcases that keep loose books, volumes and exemplary volumes, now incunabular, and that others were acquired by the parents filipenses.After the victorious entrance to Guadalajara of the army constitutionalist, header in the occident for the General of Division Don Manuel Macario Diéguez, the 8 of Julio 1914, the own one divisional in their character of major military and Governor of the State, ordered the confiscation of San José's Institute, same that was definitively unoccupied for the Jesuit from August 1º 1914.In fact the day Thursday September 1914, 10 the General Manuel M. Diéguez, Governor and Major Military of the State, it determined in their ordinance number 29, the creation of the Preparatory School of Jalisco, to scarce seven days that it was declared affected with a public interest the educational field inside the entity, incorporating the establishments peculiar to the officials and suppressing the seminars conciliares for public, such safe-deposit reasons and like it was ordered by means of the ordinance number 24 of date September of the same year 4.

Facade seen from the street San Felipe.Vacancy the property and once walled the access doors for the átrico and for the Church of the Asunción the formal delivery of the day Tuesday was made September 1914, 15 at the same time that the ordinance number was published 29 in the official newspaper "The State of Jalisco."University patrimonyFrom 1925, this school has been part of the real estate patrimony of the University of Guadalajara, as long as its study plans and programs have been modified successively, as much as the different Organic laws sent by Governors, Sebastian Allende, Everardo Collides you, Silvano Beard González and J. Jesus González Rooster respectively, on the property filipense, it is important to clarify that the Constitutional Governor of Jalisco, Atty. And Gral. Sebastian Allende, bought to name of his government the rights of ownership that the gentlemen kept, Ignacio E. Castellano, Benjamin Sánchez, Pedro Martínez Rivas and the Architect Luis Barragán, regarding the property that occupied from 1914 the Preparatory School of Jalisco, this sale and purchase was notarized under the number 165, passing in the face of the faith of the Notary public Don Roberto Palomera the day 25 of Julio 1933. To define controversies about the official name of this facility, it should be very undoubtedly it is that of Preparatory "School of Jalisco", in accordance with that settled down by the article 7º, of the chapter second, of the Organic law of the University of Guadalajara, in vigor and I don't eat it is the gross error that you/they comment some misinformed calling it "Prepa one" or "The one" of for sure simply assisting the antiquity of the construction.Our universality tradition and academic liberalism, without false innovative vanguards, pick up in the centennial and austere classrooms of the school, to the most illustrious figures in the history jalisciense. In the Secondary school of males, to Don Dionisio Rodríguez, Don Miguel Fields Arizpe, Don Juan of God Hijar, Don Joaquín Angle, Don Mariano Bárcenas, Atty. Ignacio Luis Vallarta, Atty. Luis Pérez Verdía and Don Jesus Speck Velasco. Already in the Preparatory School of Jalisco we miss Don Enrique's masterful classes Díaz from León, Don Agustín Basave and of the Castle Negrete, Don Agustín Bancalari, Don Adrián Puga, Don Severe Díaz, Don José María Arreola, Don José Guadalupe Zuno Hernández, Don José Mounts of Goose, Atty. José Aryan Parres, Don Miguel Gutiérrez and Gutiérrez, Don José Cornejo Franco, Atty. Pedro Vallín Spreads, teacher emérito of the University of Guadalajara, and so many others that with its example, perseverance and honesty dedication and attitude of change, they formed us to give to Mexico thinking youth and revolutionary in the moment that is required.To close this brief historical review, I only have left to mention that directors of the Preparatory School of Jalisco have been designated, from their foundation in 1914 the following professors:Directors of the Preparatory School of Jalisco

#Atty. Francisco H. Ruiz............. (1914. 1923)
#Mtro. Enrique Díaz from León............ (1923. 1925)
#Engineer Agustín Basave and of the Castle Negrete.... (1925. 1926)
#Prof. Jesus Sausa González........... (1926. 1927)
#Atty. Silvano Beard González (interim)........ (1927)
#Dr. Martiniano Carvajal and Carvajal........ (1927. 1929)
#Dr. Ramón Córdoba Gómez........................................ (1929. 1931)
#Atty. Ignácio Calderón Bonilla...................................... (1931. 1932)
#Dr. Ramón Córdoba Gómez....................................... (1932. 1933)
#Dr. Alberto Onofre Oriega.......................................... (1933. 1934)
#Prof. Ricardo Covarrubias.......................................... (1934. 1935)
#Dr. Eugenio Chávez Quiróz....................................... (1935. 1936)
#Dr. Martínez................................................................ (1936. 1937)
#Dr. Antonio Fences Sánchez............ (1937. 1938)
#Atty. José Aryan Parres............... (1938. 1939)
#Dr. Miguel Ochoa Escobedo.......... (1939. 1948)
#Atty. José Antonio Romero Ruíz........... (1948. 1951)
#Atty. Luis Medina Gutiérrez............ (1951. 1953)
#Atty. Miguel Gutiérrez and Gutiérrez........ (1953. 1965)
#Atty. Rafael García of Quevedo.......... (1965)
#Atty. José Aryan Parres............. (1969. 1971)
#Atty. Pedro Vallín Spreads............ (1971. 1986)
#Atty. José Miguel Jiménez Galicians......... (1986)
#Atty. Benjamin Gómez Cárdenas........... (1986. 1989)
#Atty. Red Jorge Ruiz............. (1989) (?9
#Engineer Jesus of God Sánchez............. (1989 - 2000 )
#Atty. Carlos Ramiro Ruiz
#Dr. Pedro Verónica Rosebushes..................................(2000 - 2005)
#Atty. José Blunt Nativity García...........................(2005 - 2007)
#Engineer Pablo Alberto Macías Martínez.........................................(2007- )

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