

name = "Kepodactylus"
fossil_range = Late Jurassic
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
ordo = Pterosauria
subordo = Pterodactyloidea
genus = "Kepodactylus"
genus_authority = Harris and Carpenter, 1996
binomial = "Kepodactylus insperatus"
binomial_authority = Harris and Carpenter, 1996

"Kepodactylus" (meaning "garden finger", for Garden Park, Colorado, where it was found) is an extinct genus of pterodactyloid pterosaur from the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian-age Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Colorado, USA. It is based on DMNS 21684, which includes a cervical vertebra, humerus, several finger bones, and a metatarsal belonging to a pterodactyloid. It was similar to "Mesadactylus" but larger (wingspan around 2.5 m [8.2 ft] ), and with additional holes in the vertebrae and humerus.Harris, J.D., and Carpenter, K. (1996). [ A large pterodactyloid from the Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic) of Garden Park, Colorado.] "Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte" 1996(8):473-484.] It was regarded as a potentially valid genus in the most recent review of Morrison pterosaurs.King, L.R., Foster, J.R., and Scheetz, R.D. (2006). New pterosaur specimens from the Morrison Formation and a summary of the Late Jurassic pterosaur record of the Rocky Mountain region. In: Foster, J.R., and Lucas, S.G. (eds.). "Paleontology and Geology of the Upper Morrison Formation". New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 36:149-161. ISSN 1524-4156. ]


External links

* [ "Kepodactylus"] in The Pterosaur Database

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