- Taxonomy of the Orchidaceae
The taxonomy of the orchid family has evolved slowly during the last 150 years, starting with
Carolus Linnaeus who in 1753 recognized eight genera. De Jussieu recognized the Orchidaceae as a separate family in 1789.Olof Swartz recognized 25 genera in 1800.Louis Claude Richard provided us in 1817 with the descriptive terminology of the orchids. The next step was taken in 1830-1840 byJohn Lindley , who recognised four subfamilies. He is generally recognized as the father of orchid taxonomy. The next important step was taken byGeorge Bentham in 1881 with a new classification, recognizing subtribes for the first time. The next great contributors were Pfitzer (1887), Schlechter (1926), Mansfeld (1937), Dressler and Dodson (1960), Garay (1960, 1972), Vermeulen (1966), again Dressler (1981) and Burns-Balogh and Funk (1986).The following
taxonomy follows largely the classification system of Robert Louis Dressler, anorchid specialist and adjunct curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. This classification, published in the book "The Orchids: Natural History and Classification", is widely accepted bybotanist s and growers. The initial scheme of 1981 has been modified in 1986, twice in 1990. and then again in 1993. This is the most comprehensive classification at the moment. But it relies heavily on morphology and a few key characters, such asanther configuration andpollinarium structure.According to morphological
cladistics and research with "rbcL" nucleotide sequences, the orchid family, as well as the clades within the family, are amonophyletic group. There is a great similarity with the traditional taxonomy, except for the Vandoideae, but on lower levels, some matters are still unresolved. Few tribes, as listed here below, are monophyletic. Cladistic and molecular methods give us a firmer basis, but the classification is still an ongoing issue. There is even no strong support for the interelationships of the subfamilies. Furthermore, about 150 species and even new genera are still being discovered each year.The orchid family (
Orchidaceae ) is subdivided in several subfamilies, and then in tribes, subtribes, alliances and then genera.According to Dressler, there are 5 subfamilies, 22 tribes, 70 subtribes, about 850 genera and about 20,000 species in this family.
The following subfamilies are recognized:
*SubfamilyApostasioideae : monophyletic - the most primitive orchids : 3 fertileanther s or two fertile anthers and a filamentousstaminode .
*SubfamilyCypripedioideae : monophyletic - 2 fertile diandrous anthers, a shield-shaped staminode and a saccate (= pouch-like) lip.
*SubfamilyOrchidoideae : single, fertile monandrous, basitonic anther.
**(Subfamily Spiranthoideae): nested within a more broadly defined Orchidoideae
*SubfamilyEpidendroideae : includes almost 80% of the orchid species; monophyletic; orchids with an incumbent to suberect ( = ascending towards the edges) anther.
**(Subfamily Higher Epidendroideae (formerly Vandoideae) : specialised clade within a more broadly defined Epidendroideae
*SubfamilyVanilloideae : an ancient clade now recognized as a distinct subfamily. But, from a molecular point of view, it is rather a sister to subfamily Epidendroideae + subfamily Orchidoideae. This subfamily is a branch at the basal dichotomy of themonandrous orchids.As the "Genera Orchidacearum" (Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F.; Oxford Univ. Press.) will only be completed in 2006-2007, and changes in taxonomy of orchids are so frequent, the following taxonomy still follows largely the system of Robert Louis Dressler.
Apostasioideae 2 genera and about 16 species of very primitive orchids:::"Apostasia" Blume, included "Adactylus" Rolfe and "Mesodactylis"
Wall. ::"Neuwiedia " Blumeubfamily
Cypripedioideae 6 genera with about 115 species, mostly terrestrials or lithophytes:
Cypripedieae Subtribe
Cypripediinae ::"Cypripedium " Lindl. , included "Arietinum" Beck, "Calceolaria"Heist. exFabr. , "Calceolus"Nieuwl. , "Ciripedium"Zumagl. , "Criogenes" Salisb., "Fissipes" Small, "Hypodema"Rchb. , "Sacodon" Raf., "Schizopedium" Salisb., "Stimegas" Raf.SubtribePaphiopedilinae ::"Paphiopedilum " Pfitzer, included "Cordula" Raf. and "Menephora" Raf.Tribe
Mexipedieae Subtribe
Mexipediinae ::"Mexipedium "V.A.Albert &M.W.Chase Tribe
Phragmipedieae Subtribe
Phragmipediinae ::"Phragmipedium " Rolfe, included "Phragmopedilum" Pfitzer, "Uropedium" Lindl.Tribe
Selenipedieae Subtribe
Selenipediinae ::"Selenipedium " Rchb.f.Others
Phragmipaphium "Hort. ubfamily
Epidendroideae This is the largest subfamily, comprising more than 10,000 species in about 90 to 100 genera. Most are tropical
epiphyte s (usually withpseudobulb s), but some are terrestrials and even a fewmyco-heterotrophs . All show a unique development of the single anther: it is incumbent forming a right angle with the column axis or pointed backward in many genera. Most have hard pollinia, i.e. a mass of waxy pollen or of coherent pollen grains; pollinia withcaudicle andviscidium or without;stigma entire or 3-lobed;rostellum present; 1-locular ovary; leaves:distichous or spiralingTribe
Arethuseae Over 500 species.
Arethusinae ::"Arethusa" L.::x "Elearethusa "::x "Elecalthusa "::"Eleorchis "F.Maek. ::x "Elepogon "SubtribeBletiinae ::"Ancistrochilus " Rolfe::"Anthogonium "Wall. ex Lindl.::"Cephalantheropsis " Guillaumin::"Eriodes " Rolfe, included "Neotainiopsis" Bennet & Raizada, "Tainiopsis" Schltr.::"Hancockia " Rolfe::"Hexalectris " Raf.::"Ipsea " Lindl.::"Mischobulbum " Schltr., included "Mischobulbon" Schltr. (orth. var.)::"Nephelaphyllum " Blume::"Pachystoma " Blume, included "Apaturia" Lindl., "Pachychilus" Blume and "Pachystylis" Blume:Alliance Arundina::"Arundina" Rich.:Alliance Calopogon::"Calopogon " R.Br., included "Cathea" Salisb., "Helleborine" Kuntze:Alliance Calanthe::"Acanthephippium " Blume, included "Acanthophippium" Blume (orth. var.)::"Bletia " Ruiz &Pav. , included "Anthogyas" Raf., "Bletiana" Raf., "Crybe" Lindl., "Gyas" Salisb., "Regnellia"Barb. Rodr. , "Thiebautia" Colla::"Bletilla " Rchb.f., included "Jimensia" Raf., "Polytoma"Lour. exGomes ::"Calanthe " R.Br., included "Alismorkis" Thouars, "Amblyglottis" Blume, "Aulostylis" Schltr., "Calanthidum" Pfitzer, "Centrosia"A.Rich. , "Centrosis" Thouars, "Cytheris" Lindl., "Ghiesbreghtia"A.Rich. &Galeotti , "Limatodes" Blume, "Paracalanthe"Kudô , "Preptanthe" Rchb.f., "Styloglossum"Breda , "Sylvalismis" Thouars::"Phaius "Lour. , included "Cyanorchis" Thouars, "Gastorchis" Thouars, "Gastrorchis" Schltr., "Hecabe" Raf., "Pachyne" Salisb., "Pesomeria" Lindl., "Tankervillia" Link::"Spathoglottis " Blume, included "Paxtonia" Lindl.:Alliance Coelia::"Coelia " Lindl., included "Bothriochilus"Lem. :Alliance Chysis:: "Chysis " Lindl., included "Thorvaldsenia"Liebm. :Alliance Plocoglottis::"Plocoglottis " Blume:Alliance Tainia::"Tainia " Blume, included "Ania" Lindl., "Ascotainia"Ridl. , "Mitopetalum" BlumeSubtribeSobraliinae ::"Sobralia " Ruiz &Pav. , included "Cyathoglottis"Poepp. &Endl. , "Fregea" Rchb.f., "Lindsayella" Ames &C.Schweinf. SubtribeThuniinae ::"Thunia " Rchb.f.Tribe
Calypsoeae ::"Aplectrum" (
Nutt. )Torr. ::"Calypso", included "Calypsodium" Link, "Cytherea" Salisb., "Norna"Wahlenb. , "Orchidium"Sw. ::"Tipularia "Nutt. , included "Anthericlis" Raf., "Plecturus" Raf.Tribe
Cryptarrheneae ::"
Cryptarrhena " R.Br., included "Orchidofunckia"A.Rich. &Galeotti Tribe
Coelogyneae Over 400 species
Adrorhizinae ::"Adrorhizon "Hook.f. SubtribeCoelogyninae ::"Coelogyne " Lindl., included "Bolborchis" Lindl., "Hologyne" Pfitzer, "Ptychogyne" Pfitzer::"Dendrochilum " Blume, included "Acoridium" Nees & Meyen, "Platyclinis" Benth.::"Pleione"D.Don Tribe
Epidendreae "'Cosmopolitan; largest tribe of this subfamily, with over 8,000 species
Glomerinae ::"Agrostophyllum " Blume::"Earina " Lindl."Glomera " Blume, included "Ischnocentrum" Schltr.,"Sepalosiphon" Schltr.Subtribe
Laeliinae : over 1400 species, mostly tropical American epiphytes, in 43 genera. It contains more than 25% (136) of all hybrid genera.:Alliance Isochilus::"Hexisea " Lindl., included "Costaricaea" Schltr., "Euothonaea" Rchb.f., "Isochilus " R.Br.:Alliance Cattleya::"Brassavola " R.Br., included "Eudisanthema"Neck. ex Post & Kuntze, "Lysimnia" Raf., "Tulexis" Raf.::"Broughtonia " R.Br., included "Cattleyopsis"Lem. , "Laeliopsis" Lindl. &Paxton ::"Cattleya " Lindl., included "Maelenia"Dumort. ::"Encyclia "Hook. , included "Amblostoma"Scheidw. , "Dinema" Lindl., "Hormidium" (Lindl.)Heynh. , "Sulpitia" Raf.::"Laelia " Lindl., included "Amalia"Rchb. ::"Rhyncholaelia " Schltr.::"Schomburgkia " Lindl.::"Sophronitis " Lindl., included "Lophoglottis" Raf., "Sophronia" Lindl.::"Guarianthe "Dressler & W.E. Higgins (2003):Alliance Barkeria::"Barkeria "Knowles &Westc. ::"Caularthron " Raf., included "Diacrium" (Lindl.) Benth.:Alliance Epidendrum::"Epidendrum " Jacq., included "Amphiglottis" Salisb., "Anacheilium"Hoffmanns. , "Anocheil"'Hoffmanns. exRchb. , "Auliza" Small, "Coilostylis" Raf., "Didothion" Raf.,, "Diothonea" Lindl., "Dothilophis" Raf., "Doxosma" Raf., "Epicladium" Small, "Epidanthus"L.O.Williams , "Epidendropsis" Garay &Dunst. , "Exophya" Raf., "Hemiscleria" Lindl., "Kalopternix" Garay &Dunst. , "Lanium" (Lindl.) Benth., "Larnandra" Raf., "Microepidendrum"Brieger (nom. inval.), "Minicolumna"Brieger (nom. inval.), "Nanodes" Lindl., "Neolehmannia"Kraenzl. , "Neowilliamsia" Garay, "Nyctosma" Raf., "Phadrosanthus"Neck. ex Raf., "Physinga" Lindl., "Pleuranthium" Benth., "Prosthechea"Knowles &Westc. , "Pseudepidendrum" Rchb.f., "Seraphyta" Fisch. &C.A.Mey. , "Spathiger" Small, "Stenoglossum" Kunth, "Tritelandra" Raf.:Alliance Leptotes::"Leptotes" Lindl.:Alliance Neocogniauxia::"Neocogniauxia " Schltr.::"Dilomilis " Raf.::"Tomzanonia " Nir:Alliance hybrids::"
Brassocattleya " hort.::"Brassoepidendrum " hort.::"Brassolaeliocattleya " hort.::"Cattleytonia " hort.::"Epicattleya " hort.::"Epilaeliocattleya " hort.::"Hawkinsara " hort.::"Laeliocatonia " hort.::"Laeliocattleya " hort. ex Rolfe::"Otaara " hort.::"Potinara " hort.::"Schombocattleya " hort.::"Sophrocattleya " hort.::"Sophrolaelia " hort.::"Sophrolaeliocattleya " hort.SubtribeMeiracyllinae ::"Meiracyllium " Rchb.f.
*SubtribePleurothallidinae These species have single leaves, non-pseudobulbousramicaul s, articulated ovary, deciduous from the pedicel.
**Genera: "Acianthera ", "Acostaea ", "Anathallis ", "Barbosella ", "Barbrodria ", "Brachionidium ", "Chamelophyton ", "Condylago ", "Draconanthes ", "Dracula", "Dresslerella ", "Dryadella ", "Echinosepala ", "Frondaria ", "Jostia ", "Lepanthes ", "Lepanthopsis ", "Luerella ", "Masdevallia ", "Myoxanthus ", "Octomeria ", "Ophidion", "Pabstiella ", "Phloeophila ", "Platystele ", "Pleurothallis ", "Porroglossum ", "Restrepia ", "Restrepiella ", "Salpistele ", "Scaphosepalum ", "Specklinia ", "Stelis ", "Teagueia ", "Trichosalpinx ", "Trisetella ", "Zootrophion "Tribe
Epipogieae *Genera: "
Epipogium ", "Stereosandra "Tribe
Gastrodieae *Subtribe
**Genera: "Didymoplexis ", "Gastrodia "
**Genus: "Nervilia "
**Genera: "Cryptanthemis ", "Rhizanthella "Tribe
Malaxideae Over 900 species
*Genera: "Liparis", "Malaxis "Tribe
Neottieae About 100 species
**Genera:Aphyllorchis , "Cephalanthera ", "Epipactis ",Limodorum
**Genus: "Listera "Tribe
Podochilaeae *Subtribe
Bulbophyllinae (according to Garay & al. 1994)
**Genus: "Acrochaene " Lindl., "Bulbophyllum " Thouars, "Chaseella " Summerhays, "Cirrhopetalum " Lindl., "Codonosiphon " Schl., "Drymoda " Lindl., "Epicrianthes " Blume, "Ferruminaria " Garay, Hamer & Siegerist,"Hapalochilus " (Schlechter) Senghas, "Ione " Lindl., "Mastigion " Garay, Hamer & Siegerist ,"Monomeria " Lindl., "Monosepalum " Schle, "Osyricera " Blume, "Pedilochilus " Schl., "Rhytionanthos " Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, "Saccoglossum " Schl., "Sunipia " Lindl., "Synarmosepalum " Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, "Tapeinoglossum " Schl., "Trias " Lindl.,"Vesicisepalum " Garay, Hamer & Siegerist
**Genera: "Cadetia ", "Dendrobium ", "Diplocaulobium ", "Epigeneium ", "Flickingeria ", "Pseuderia "*Subtribe
**Alliance Eria
***Genera: "Eria ", "Trichotosia "
**Alliance Ceratostylis
***Genera: "Appendicula ", "Ceratostylis ", "Epiblastus ", "Sarcostoma "
**Genera: "Chilopogon ", "Podochilus "
**Genera: "Phreatia ", "Rhynchophreatia "Tribe
Tropidieae Formerly placed in the subfamily Spiranthoideae
*Genera: "Corymborkis ", "Tropidia "Tribe
Xerorchideae *Genus : "
Xerorchis "ubfamily Higher Epidendroideae
Formerly called Vandoideae, this is the second largest subfamily with over 300 genera in more than 5,000 species. They are mostly epiphytes, but include some terrestrials and myco-heterotrophs, all occurring in most tropical areas. The main stem grows in a single direction. Many of the species develop pseudobulbs (i.e. a bulge at the base of a stem), that are normally shorter and sturdier than those in the epidendroids. The striking characteristics of the vandoids are a cellular pollinium stalk (= stipe), superposed pollinia and the unique development of the incumbent anther, that bends early in development.
Cymbidieae About 1,800 species in 100 to 130 genera. Species are either terrestrial or epiphytic, and range throughout global tropical regions. All species have, as a unique feature, a sympodial growth habit and two pollinia.
*SubtribeAcriopsidinae : less than 50 species.
**Genus: "Acriopsis "
*SubtribeCatasetinae : about 150 species; epiphytes occurring in theWestern Hemisphere .
**Genera: "Catasetum ", "Cycnoches ", "Mormodes "
*SubtribeCyrtopodiinae : over 400 species, usually terrestrial; Asia, Africa, and tropical America.
**Alliance Bromheadia
***Genus: "Bromheadia "
**Alliance Eulophia
***Genus: "Eulophia "
**Alliance Cyrtopodium
***Genera: "Cymbidiella ", "Cyrtopodium ", "Galeandra "
**Alliance Cymbidium
***Genera: "Ansellia ", "Cymbidium ", "Grammatophyllum "
**Alliance Dipodium
***Genus: "Dipodium "
**Alliance hybrids
***Genera: "Bifrenidium ", "Cymphiella ", "Cyrtellia ", "Eulocymbidiella ", "Galeansellia ", "Graphiella "*Subtribe
Oncidiinae : Largest subtribe with nearly 1,000 species within about 56 to 78 genera, found in tropical America, theCaribbean andFlorida . Most are epiphytes, but a few are terrestrials. .They usually have short and stout pseudobulbs.
**Alliance Oncidium: largest alliance; includes the majority of genera in cultivation.
***Genera: "Ada", "Aspasia", "Brassia ", "Cochlioda ", "Miltonia ", "Miltoniopsis ", "Odontoglossum ", "Oncidium " (most)
**Alliance Trichocentrum
***Genus: "Trichocentrum "
**Alliance Comparettia
***Genera: "Oncidium " (equitants only), "Comparettia ", "Rodriguezia "
**Alliance Trichophilia
***Genera: "Notylia ", "Psychopsis ", "Trichopilia "
**Alliance Lockhartia
***Genus: "Lockhartia "
**Alliance hybrids: over 107 hybrid genera.
***Genera: "Aliceara ", "Bakerara ", "Beallara ", "Brassidium ", "Burrageara ", "Colmanara ", "Degarmoara ", "Howeara ", "Maclellanara ", "Miltassia ", "Miltonidium ", "Odontobrassia ", "Odontocidium ", "Odontonia ", "Rodricidium ", "Trichocidium ", "Vuylstekeara ", "Wilsonara "
*SubtribePachyphyllinae : less than 50 species.
**Genus: "Pachyphyllum "
*SubtribeThecostelinae : less than 50 species.
**Genus: "Thecostele "Tribe
Polystachyeae About 200 species which all show four pollinia. The lip often has mealy hairs called pseudopollen on the upper surface.
*Genus: "Polystachya "Tribe
Vandeae Over 1,700 species in more than 130 genera; occurs in tropical Asia,
Pacific Islands , Australia, and Africa.
*SubtribeAerangidinae : about 300 to 400 species; tropical Africa and Madagascar.
**Genera: "Aerangis ", "Mystacidium "
*SubtribeAngraecinae : about 300 to 400 species, tropical Africa and Madagascar.
**Alliance Angraecum
***Genera: "Aeranthes ", "Angraecum ", "Cryptopus ", "Jumellea ", "Neobathiea " , "Oeonia "
***Genera: "Campylocentrum ", "Dendrophylax "
*SubtribeSarcanthinae : more than 1,000 species in over 100 genera, including about 208 (38%) hybrid genera; occurs mostly in Asia with a few in Africa.
**Alliance Phalaenopsis
***Genera: "Aerides ", "Chiloschista ", "Doritis ", "Phalaenopsis ", "Paraphalaenopsis ", "Rhynchostylis ", "Sarcochilus "
**Alliance Vanda
***Genera: "Adenoncos ", "Arachnis", "Ascocentrum ", "Ascoglossum ", "Euanthe ", "Luisia ", "Renanthera ", "Vanda ", "Vandopsis "
**Alliance Trichoglottis
***Genera: "Abdominea ", "Acampe ", "Amesiella ", "Cleisostoma ", "Gastrochilus ", "Neofinetia ", "Robiquetia ", "Trichoglottis "
***Genera: "Aeridovanda ", "Aranda", "Ascocenda ", "Ascofinetia ", "Asconopsis ", "Christieara ", "Doritaenopsis ", "Opsistylis ", "Perreiraara ", "Renanstylis ", "Renantanda ", "Renanthopsis ", "Rhynchovanda ", "Vandaenopsis ", "Vascostylis "Tribe
Maxillarieae 70 to 80 genera with about 1,000 species; most grow in tropical America as terrestrials or epiphytes, a few are myco-heterotrophs. Most show pseudobulbs, but a few have reedlike stems or thick underground stems. Blooms have four pollinia.
*SubtribeBifrenariinae : thin and pleated leaves.
**Genera: "Bifrenaria ", "Xylobium "
*SubtribeCorallorhizinae : all myco-heterotrophs
**Genera: "Aplectrum ", "Corallorrhiza "
**Genus: "Dichaea "
*SubtribeLycastinae : thin and pleated leaves.
**Genera: "Anguloa ", "Bifrenaria ", "Lycaste ", "Neomoorea ", "Rudolfiella ", "Teuscheria ", "Xylobium "
*SubtribeMaxillariinae : largest subtribe with nearly half of the tribe species. The leathery leaves are conduplicate, i.e. folded together lengthwise.
**Genera: "Chrysocycnis ", "Cyrtidium ", "Maxillaria ", "Mormolyca ", "Pityphyllum ", "Scuticaria", "Sepalosaccus ", "Trigonidium "
**Genera: "Ornithocephalus", "Zygostates "
*SubtribeStanhopeinae : about 200 species; epiphytes found in the Western Hemisphere.
**Genera: "Acineta ", "Braemia ", "Cirrhaea ", "Coryanthes ", "Embreea ", "Gongora ", "Horichia ", "Houlletia ", "Jennyella ", "Kegeliella ", "Lacaena ", "Lueddemannia ", "Paphinia ", "Polycycnis ", "Schlimia ", "Sievekingia ", "Soterosanthus ", "Stanhopea ", "Trevoria ", "Vasqueziella "
**Genera: "Coeliopsis ", "Lycomormium ", "Peristeria"
**Genera: "Darwiniella ", "Dipterostele ", "Hofmeisterella ", "Stellilabium ", "Telipogon ", "Trichoceros "
*SubtribeZygopetilinae : about 150 species. Most exhibited hybrids are to be found in this subtribe.
**Alliance Warrea
***Genera: "Otostylis ", "Warrea "
**Alliance Zygopetalum
***Genera: "Aganisia ", "Batemannia ", "Bollea ", "Cheiradenia ", "Chondrorhyncha ", "Cochleanthes ", "Colax ", "Pabstia ", "Promenaea ", "Zygopetalum "
**Alliance Bollea
***Genera: "Bollea ", "Chondrorhyncha ", "Cochleanthes ", "Huntleya ", "Kefersteinia ", "Pescatoria ", "Stenia "
**Alliance Vargasiella
***Genus: "Vargasiella "
**Alliance hybrids: of the 43 hybrids in this tribe, only Angulocaste is displayed frequently.
***Genera: "Aitkenara ", "Bateostylis ", "Bollopetalum ", "Chondrobollea ", "Cochella ", "Cochlecaste ", "Cochlenia ", "Cochlepetalum ", "Downsara ", "Durutyara ", "Hamelwellsara ", "Huntleanthes ", "Kanzerara ", "Keferanthes ", "Lancebirkara ", "Otocolax ", "Otonisia ", "Palmerara ", "Rotorara ", "Zygocaste ", "Zygolum ", "Zygonisia ", "Zygostylis "ubfamily
Orchidoideae Tribe
Diceratosteleae **Genus: "
Diceratostele "Tribe
Codonorchideae *Genus: "
Codonorchis "Tribe
Cranichideae The former subfamily Spiranthoideae is now embedded in the clade Orchidoideae as the tribe Cranichideae (Dressler, 1993). It includes 95 genera and about 1100 species. Species of this polyphyletic tribe occur in all continents (except Antarctica), but mainly in North and
South America and tropical Asia. All subtribes are monophyletic.
*SubtribeCranichidinae : occurring in the Neotropics
**Genera: "Altensteinia ", "Baskervilla ", "Cranichis ", "Exalaria ", "Fuertesiella ", "Myrosmodes ", "Nothostele ", "Ponthieva ", "Pseudocentrum ", "Pseudocranichis ", "Pterichis ", "Solenocentrum "
*SubtribePrescottiinae : occurs in the Neotropics
**Genera : "Aa", "Gomphichis ", "Porphyrostachys ", "Prescottia ", "Stenoptera "
**Genus: "Galeottiella "
*SubtribeGoodyerinae : 37 genera, about 630 species in Africa, the Americas and Asia.
**Genera: "Aenhenrya ", "Anoectochilus ", "Aspidogyne ", "Chamaegastrodia ", "Cheirostylis ", "Cystorchis ", "Danhatchia ", "Dassinia ", "Erythrodes ", "Eurycentrum ", "Gonatostylis ", "Goodyera ", "Halleorchis ", "Herpysma ", "Hetaeria ", "Hylophila ", "Kreodanthus ", "Kuhlhasseltia ", "Lepidogyne ", "Lageophila ", "Ludisia ", "Macodes ", "Meliorchis " (extinct), "Microchilus ", "Myrmechis ", "Odontochilus ", "Orchipedum ", "Papuaea ", "Platylepis ", "Platythelys ", "Rhamphorhynchus", "Rhomboda ", "Stephanothelys ", "Vrydagzybea ", "Zeuxine "
*SubtribeManniellinae : tropical Africa
**Genus: "Manniella "
**Genus: "Pterostylis "
*SubtribeSpiranthinae : about 30 genera; largely terrestrial; widespread, but absent in sub-Saharan Africa; fascicled roots, dorsal erect anther, inconspicuous staminodia, resupinate flowers.
**Genera: "Aracamunia ", "Aulosepalum ", "Beloglottis ", "Brachystele ", "Buchtienia ", "Coccineorchis ", "Cotylolabium ", "Cybebus ", "Degranvillea ", "Deiregyne ", "Dichromanthus ", "Discyphus ", "Eltroplectris ", "Eurystyles ", "Funkiella ", "Hapalorchis ", "Helonoma ", "Kionophyton ", "Lankesterella ", "Lyroglossa ", "Mesadenella ", "Mesadenus ", "Microthelys ", "Odontorrhynchus ", "Pelexia ", "Physogyne ", "Pseudogoodyera ", "Pteroglossa ", "Sacoila ", "Sarcoglottis ", "Sauroglossum ", "Schiedeella ", "Skeptrostachys ", "Spiranthes ", "Stalkya ", "Svenkoeltzia ", "Thelyschista ", "Veyretia ", "Wallnoeferia "
*Subtribe Stenorrhynchidinae
**Genera : "Stenorrhynchos "
*Subtribe Cyclopogoninae
**Genera : "Cyclopogon "
*SubtribePachyplectroninae : endemic to New Caledonia
**Genera : "Pachyplectron "Tribe
Diseae *Subtribe
**Genus: "Brownleea "
**Genera: "Ceratandra ", "Corycium ", "Disperis ", "Evotella ", "Pterygodium "
**Genera: "Disa", "Schizodium "
**Genus: "Huttonaea "
**Genera: "Pachites ", "Satyrium "Tribe
Diurideae About 550 species in 39 genera; mainly Australasia.
**Genera: "Acianthus ", "Corybas ", "Cyrtostylis ", "Stigmatodactylus ", "Townsonia "
**Genera: "Adenochilus ", "Aporostylis ", "Caladenia ", "Cyanicula ", "Elythranthera ", "Ericksonella ", "Eriochilus ", "Glossodia ", "Leptoceras ", "Pheladenia ", "Praecoxanthus "
*SubtribeChloraeinae : From South America and New Caledonia (Megastylis)
**Genera : "Bipinnula ", "Chloraea ", "Gavilea ", "Geoblasta ", "Megastylis "
**Genera: "Coilochilus ", "Cryptostylis "
**Genera: "Diuris ", "Orthoceras"
**Genera: "Arthrochilus ", "Calaena ", "Chiloglottis ", "Drakaea ", "Myrmechila ", "Spiculaea "
**Genera: "Burnettia ", "Leporella ", "Lyperanthus ", "Megastylis ", "Pyrorchis ", "Rimacola ", "Waireia "
**Genera: "Genoplesium ", "Microtis ", "Prasophyllum "
**Genus: "Rhizantella "
**Genera: "Calochilus ", "Epiblema ", "Thelymitra "Tribe
Orchideae This is the largest tribe, containing more than 1,700 species.
**Genera: "Aceratorchis ", "Amerorchis ", "Amitostigma ", "Anacamptis ", "Androcorys ", "Barlia ", "Bartholina ", "Benthamia ", "Bonatea ", "Brachycorythis ", "Centrostigma ", "Chamorchis ", "Chondradenia ", "Comperia ", "Cynorchis ", "Dactylorhiza ", "Diphylax ", "Diplomeris ", "Dracomonticola ", "Galearis ", "Gennaria ", "Gymnadenia ", "Habenaria ", "Hemipilia ", "Herminium ", "Himantoglossum ", "Holothrix ", "Megalorchis ", "Neobolusia ", "Neotinea ", "Neottianthe ", "Oligophyton ", "Ophrys ", "Orchis ", "Pecteilis ", "Peristylus ", "Physoceras ", "Platanthera ", "Platycoryne ", "Ponerorchis ", "Porolabium ", "Pseudorchis ", "Roeperocharis ", "Schizochilus ", "Serapias ", "Smithorchis ", "Stenoglottis ", "Steveniella ", "Symphyosepalum ", "Thulinia ", "Traunsteinera ", "Tylostigma ", "Veyretella "ubfamily
Vanilloideae Tribe
Pogoniinae *Genera: "
Cleistes ", "Duckeella ", "Isotria ", "Pogonia ", "Pogoniopsis "Tribe
Vanilleae *Genera: "
Clematepistephium ", "Cyrtosia ", "Dictyophyllaria ", "Epistephium ", "Eriaxis ", "Erythrorchis ", "Galeola ", "Lecanorchis ", "Pseudovanilla ", "Vanilla"Not assigned
These two tribes are not currently assigned to a specific subfamily:
Triphoreae : A primitive tribe consisting of three genera and twenty species. Possibly belongs to the Epidendrum subfamily.
*Genera : "Monophyllorchis ", "Triphora "Tribe
Wullschlaegelieae : only one genus with two species.
*Genus: "Wullschlaegelia "References
*Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (1999). Genera Orchidacearum 1 - Apostasioideae and Cypripedioideae. Oxford Univ. Press.
*Rasmussen, F.N.; Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., & Chase, M.A. eds. (2001). Genera Orchidacearum 2 - Orchidoideae (Part 1). Oxford Univ. Press.
*Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (2003). Genera Orchidacearum 3 - Orchidoideae (Part 2), Vanilloideae. Oxford Univ. Press.
*Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (2006). Genera Orchidacearum 4 - Epidendroideae (Part 1). Oxford Univ. Press.
*Dressler, Robert L. 1981. The Orchids: Natural History and Classification. Harvard University Press ISBN 0-674-87525-7 -- It is the best popular scientific account of the orchids, their biology, evolution, and classification.
*Dressler, Robert L. 1993. Phylogeny and classification of the orchid family. Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR. 314 p.
*CHASE, M. W., J. V. FREUDENSTEIN, AND K. M. CAMERON. 2001. DNA data and Orchidaceae systematics: A new phylogenetic classification.
*Chase, M. W. 2005. "Classification of Orchidaceae in the age of DNA data". Curtis's Bot. Mag. 22(1): 2-7.
*Chase, M. W., Hanson, L., Albert, V. A., Whitten, W. M., and Williams, N. H. 2005. "Life history evolution and genome size in subtribe Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae)" Ann. Bot. 95(1): 191-199
* [http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/full/86/2/208 A phylogenetic analysis of the Orchidaceae, evidence from "rbcL" nucleotide sequences]
* [http://trecdisted.ifas.ufl.edu/Courses/orh%204280/pdf%20files/Classification%20of%20the%20Orchids%20v2.pdf History of the taxonomy of orchids]
* [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.00157.x/abs/ Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of Orchidinae and selected Habenariinae ]
* [http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/herbarium/orchidatol/ Orchid Tree: a phylogeny of epiphytes (mostly) on the Tree of Life]External links
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Taxonomy_of_the_orchid_family&action=edit Orchid genera till May 8th 2004]
* [http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~jfreuden/orchid.htm Molecular and structural approaches]
* [http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/newgate/cronang.htm Useful links]
* [http://www.cpo.org.br/_CpoClassifica%C3%A7%C3%A3o.htm Taxonomy (in Portuguese)]
* [http://pm.blais.perso.wanadoo.fr/index.anglais.html Native Orchids of Provence (France) French & English]
* [http://www.qurrata-ayun.com/ Qurrata A'yun Indonesian orchid society]
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