- Beneficial use
Beneficial use is a legal term describing a person's right to enjoy the benefits of specific
property , especially a view or access to light, air, or water, even though title to that property is held by another person. [http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/beneficial+use] This may also be termed "beneficial enjoyment". Black's Law Dictionary (2nd Pocket ed. 2001 pg. 236.Compare this with a "beneficial interest", where a
beneficiary has an interest in a thing ("res" [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Res_%28disambiguation%29] ) (such as a trust or estate) but does not own the underlying property.Black's Law Dictionary (2nd Pocket ed. 2001 pg. 64. This usually entitles the beneficiary to some of theincome from the underlying property.Also, compare this to
beneficial owner where specific property rights ("use and title") in equity belong to a person even though legal title of the property belongs to another person. Black's Law Dictionary (2nd Pocket ed. 2001 pg. 508. For example companies often holdstock s or bank funds in their name for the benefit of a person.
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