Augustine Hornyak

Augustine Hornyak

Augustine Eugene Hornyak, OSBM, JCB, STD (1919-2003) was the first Apostolic Exarch of the Apostolic Exarchate for Ukrainians in Great Britain. He was one of the few English and Ukrainian bishops to attend the Second Vatican Council.

Early life

Bishop Hornyak was born on 7th October, 1919 in Kucura, Voyevodina in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1940, Bishop Dionysius Narjadi persuaded Hornyak to train for the priesthood and, in 1940, Hornyak was sent by the bishop to study in Rome, at the Pontifical Ruthenian College of St. Josaphat's.


Hornyak was ordained as a priest by Bishop Ivan Buchko on 25th March, 1945. Because Hornyak was unable to return to Yugoslavia, he continued his studies at Propaganda Fide University, botaining postgraduate degrees in Canon Law and Theology.

Following advice from Bishop Narjadi and Daniel Ivancho, he served the Ruthenian Eparchy of Pittsburgh as a priest and as professor Canon Law and Sacred Theology.

In 1956, Hornyak entered the Order of St Basil the Great. He made his Solemn Profession of Monastic Vows in 1960.

ee also

*Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
*Apostolic Exarchate for Ukrainians

External links

* [| Giga-Catholic information]
* [| Independent Catholic News article about Bishop Hornyak's death]
*Information page about Bishop Hornyak from the St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church website
* [ Obituary of Bishop Hornyak from Times Online]


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